Rythur · @rythur
119 followers · 1478 posts · Server mastodon.social

Sometimes, I just go out for a hike and end up putting in a lot more miles than anticipated. Yesterday, I hiked 18 miles in about 6 hours. I like to plan too, but there's something about seeing a peak along a hike and just going to it, like you're going to your mother as a child.

Do any of you do unplanned (yet mostly safe) hikes too?

The attached photos are from yesterday's hike, which was beyond relaxing.

#hiking #outdoors #walking #health #dirt #mud #nocomputers #nointernet #JustEnergy

Last updated 2 years ago

jayrope · @jayrope
366 followers · 2136 posts · Server mastodon.online

Giorgio Dursi finds it, looses it, sees sthg. over there, follows that, gets lost again, he may find "it", or maybe not. That's as unwillingly light, caring, incomparable - and funny - as one can get.

, in any case, a musical .



#nocomputers #accidentalism #soundart #impromptu #berlin #giorgiodursi #othermusic #extramusic #butterfly #unpretentios

Last updated 2 years ago