Democrats Unveil Plan For #NoCost, #OTC #BirthControl
The# FDA is currently deciding whether to make one brand of #oral #contraceptives available at #pharmacies without a #prescription. Co-leading the measure are Reps. #AlexandriaOcasioCortez (D-N.Y.) and #AmiBera (D-Calif.), as well as Sens. #MazieHirono (D-Hawaii) and #CatherineCortezMasto (D-Nev.). Polling - 71% likely Democratic, Republican voters support making oral contraceptives available #overthecounter
#nocost #otc #birthcontrol #oral #contraceptives #pharmacies #prescription #alexandriaocasiocortez #amibera #maziehirono #catherinecortezmasto #overthecounter
André isn’t an #ImmigrationLawyer . A retired businessman with a background in the hospitality industry, he started lending his time to migrants’ issues as a #volunteer a little over a decade ago. His involvement picked up over time & eventually he became well-versed in the #labyrinthine workings of #Canada ’s #immigration system. When he retired in 2017, he decided to dedicate his schedule to #HelpingPeople apply for #asylum - at #NoCost to migrants themselves.
#immigrationlawyer #volunteer #Labyrinthine #canada #immigration #helpingpeople #asylum #nocost
#ReproductiveRights #advocates are seeking to make #FreeAccess to #BirthControl a #ProvincialElectionIssue while the party currently in power had no comment Monday.
“We call on all parties in #Manitoba to commit to #NoCost #contraception before the election scheduled for Oct. 3,” said Paige Mason, #Winnipeg based president of the #AbortionRights #Coalition of #Canada .
*We have far right ppl fighting against this.*
#reproductiverights #advocates #FreeAccess #birthcontrol #provincialelectionissue #manitoba #nocost #contraception #winnipeg #abortionrights #coalition #canada #WomensMonth #womensrights #ourbodiesourchoice