#Noctiluca scintillans has been in the news lately. Called sea-sparkle for its bioluminescence. It's a heterotrophic (no photosynthesis) athecate (no shell) #dinoflagellate that feeds by phagotrophy (engulfing). Quite large for a single-celled organism, up to 2 mm in diameter. Though not algae it can form colorful orange harmful blooms by releasing ammonium toxic to invertebrate and fish gills. #HABs
Also available as a giant microbe plush.
#plankton #factoid #noctiluca #dinoflagellate #HABS
Studying impact of #bioluminescent 'blue tears' on #waterquality around Pingtan Island.
#bioluminescent #waterquality #noctiluca #vargula #plankton