I didn't realize until recently that your implementation relies on #nodatime (which is great !).
My implementation is more naïve in that it does not restrain nor enforce to use NodaTime to manipulate range of DateTime / DateOnly / TimeOnly.
Anyway, they are many features that I think I'll try to implement (recurrence, nextOccurenceOf ).
Thank you for sharing your approach. I'm having hard time reading F# (as I'm a C# dev) but it's very interesting
#nodatime #dotnet #fsharp #calendar #ranges
@noctarius2k @michal . Anyway my problems with DateTime (local vs UTC) vs #postrgress was firtsly because of changes in Npgsql and how they changed mappings, secondly DateTime in .NET correcly parsed non existing time from string which I did not realize at testing. (other function in .NET for converting datetime to UTC throwed exception) then it "started" work correctly. I was near to use #NodaTime and I will in next project 😄 . Postrgres timestamptz is confusing type 😄
@milosb A doslo mi to, az kdyz sem pouzil jinou metodu konverze v .NETu, ktera na tenhle datetime vyhodila vyjimku. Vlastne pomohlo, ze sem to rekl nahlas. Nekdy to tak proste je. Jinak super prednaska o case v .NETu je od tvurce #nodatime , napriklad tu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64X8rCy1jSA