This took me a bit to get right so I'm adding it here for me later
Building prometheus node_exporter in #SmartOS list of commands
Create a SmartOS Zone. Find your images using imgadm.
List of commands in the replies.
#homelab #minilab #monitoring #prometheus #node_exporter
#SmartOS #homelab #minilab #monitoring #prometheus #node_exporter
I'm upstreaming a #Prometheus #node_exporter textfile collector script for #FreeBSD rc services. It collects only status information (whether a given service is running or not), but we can surely extend it in the future.
#prometheus #node_exporter #freebsd
Entrada nueva: "Configurar Prometheus y Grafana para monitorear un servidor GNU/Linux"
#GNU/Linux #Monitorización #grafana #node_exporter #prometheus #voidNull
#voidnull #prometheus #node_exporter #grafana #Monitorización #gnu