Orogene, https://orogene.dev/.
> Orogene is a next-generation package manager for tools that use node_modules/, such as bundlers, CLI tools, and Node.js-based applications. It's fast, robust, and meant to be easily integrated into your workflows such that you never have to worry about whether your node_modules/ is up to date.
It’s really faster than other tools, check the benchmarks, https://github.com/orogene/orogene/blob/main/BENCHMARKS.md.
#JavaScript #RustLang #npm #node_modules #PackageManager #performance
#javascript #rustlang #npm #node_modules #packagemanager #performance
Also: I lost most of yesterday because I forgot to delete #node_modules on the CI server......
Found the culprit. My other least favorite system: npm!.
We were accumulating hundreds of GBs a week in yarn caches. All stored in dockers overlayfs.
Not suprisingly #docker and #node_modules is a bad combination.
Guess I'll be wasting the rest of the week tuning docker, CI, and yarn.
Why did we do this again? 🤔
#npm install delete the full #node_modules folder after its finished on #FreeBSD . I do not like these massive depencies which also causes a lot of security risks.
This thing is running up and down my nervs.........
node16-16.16.0 npm-8.13.0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv4n_3zETHc&list=PLV5CVI1eNcJgCrPH_e6d57KRUTiDZgs0u Configuring #Babel 7 by twitter: kentcdodds - .babelrc vs. babel.config.js vs. #node_modules; confused much? watch this video! #npm #webpack
#webpack #npm #node_modules #babel