🔔 #NodeBB 3.4.0 is out!
More updates to the chat UX (pinning, public room notifications, real-time typing notifications), improved user moderation tooling, post queue updates, and as usual, lots of bug fixes 😳
#NodeBB v3.3.1 — a new patch release has dropped, offering fixes for an upgrade script bug for psql users, and a minor font fix.
Ein neuer Forumbeitrag: https://linux-nerds.org/topic/1489/nodebb-v3-3-0 1489/nodebb-v3-3-0 #nodebb #linux
People sometimes ask how we got #nodebb to be so fast and performant.
Our secret weapon is being #Canadian 🇨🇦 — you see... our internet is so fucking expensive we can't afford the faster plans, so we have to make our code run fast otherwise we will die before the page loads.
We hold the wonderful distinction of having the most expensive internet in the world on a $/mbits scale 🙄
Coming soon to #nodebb, rel="me" support so you can link to your NodeBB profile from #Mastodon and have it turn green/verified! ✅
Part 1: https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-theme-harmony/pull/24
We're not quite there yet, but @opliko is working on it! 😄
Mein #Gitlab Repository um von #NodeBB zu #Mastodon zu posten(automatisiert).
Fragen bitte hier hin -> https://linux-nerds.org/topic/1456/mastodon-beitr%C3%A4ge-des-nodebb-forums-automatisiert-posten
@agturcz @m0bi13 @miklo @ftdl @rysiek @74 @kalisz79 @pawelszczur @kuna@key.hollow.capital
Wyjścia są dwa, jeśli chodzi o
#prywatnosc #privacy :
1. AP (publiczny) + coś prywatnego (np. #matrix )
2. Stawianie serwisów w oparciu protokół #Nomad (dawniej #Zot ), czyli #Streams lub #Hubzilla – w ramach tego użytkownicy/instancje mogą gadać ze sobą bezpiecznie i prywatnie lub publicznie, jak zechcą i przyłączać AP, jak zechcą
• Problem1 – Żadne z tych rozwiązań nie jest wystarczająco proste dla normalsów.
• Problem2 – Integracja w ramach AP idzie w kierunku zgodności z Masto. Np. ostatnio próbowałem szerować #wydarzenia z #mobilizon do #Friendica – czasem się wprowadza do kalendarza, czasem nie, cholera wie dlaczego, a proste info dla Masto jest zawsze poprawne. Co ciekawe, zauważyłem projekty integracji #Flarum #Nodebb #Discourse z AP i już myślałem, że będziemy mieć sfederowane fora, co byłoby super ciekawe (patrz obrazek). Niestety, to też idzie w kierunku integracji z Masto, który pewnie będzie alternatywą dla emaila (nic ciekawego).
WNIOSKI. Podstawą integracji w AP długo będą proste komunikaty Mastodona. Chyba najlepiej używać czegoś zaawansowanego w tym formacie. Obecnie #FireFish – obsługuje #grupy i #grupyprywatne (prywatność umowna) plus do tego co kto chce. Wybrańcy mogą używać #Streams .
#grupyprywatne #grupy #firefish #discourse #nodebb #flarum #friendica #mobilizon #wydarzenia #hubzilla #streams #zot #nomad #matrix #privacy #prywatnosc
Still looking for responses to this one! Also I should've probably included hashtags, however I can't edit the post because that'll reset votes. I don't remember if hashtags work for replies, but probably worth a try: #Survey #Poll #Discourse #NodeBB #GitHub #Discord #Forums.
#forums #Discord #GitHub #nodebb #discourse #Poll #survey
🌠 Did you know that #NodeBB now supports public chat rooms?
We've put in a whole bunch of effort to refactor the chat system to support this, bringing us just that little bit closer to replacing incumbents like IRC/Discord/Slack, check it out on our forum, or take a stroll down memory lane and read up on the history of our chat implementation 👇
@ben very neat. My only detraction from this is that it precludes other #foss projects from implementing first-class #ActivityPub support because of its paid nature (but I 100% understand the need to do so, hosting isn't free!)
Bundling the open source server in with a project also seems like it'd be complicated, so at least for #NodeBB it sounds like we may still have to forge on ahead with our own implementation.
User #tracking is so prevalent that we often have clients in the EU ask us to provide a list of #cookies served by #NodeBB on behalf of third-parties.
Sometimes they don't understand that there's nothing to send over.
"Please send us a list of third-party cookies"
"There is no need to send a list, we only serve one single session cookie"
"I need a list to send up to legal"
*sends empty list*
#tracking #cookies #nodebb #privacy #privacyfirst
A tad delayed, given we're already half a year in, but here's a sneak peek of what came out of our 2023 #roadmap meeting!
tl;dr revamped ACP, #activitypub 🌐 refactored chats 📣 and more!
#roadmap #activitypub #nodebb #nodebbactivitypub
We sometimes field requests from people who want to import their existing users in from a separate user database. While we normally recommend the use of a single sign-on plugin (#sso) to act as an alternative authenticator, we also now support user import via CSV.
@multiverseofbadness @Jerry yeah I'm used to #NodeBB running on a potato server, so I was really surprised that a single-user instance needed such beef.
Although I guess 2GB is not a lot of beef. It's all relative 😁
I'm simultaneously excited and dreading to see how NodeBB can handle a really active inbox...
@drewdevault I'm not sure why you're being so aggressive right now.
There's no exclusive right to commercialization with #NodeBB, none is expected, and someone could start a competitor with our software if they so wished.
I reached out to try to have a civil discussion about our rationale for requiring a CLA, and to explore alternative solutions, but you seem more interested in shaming others instead of talking.
@drewdevault not new to me, but while I've been able to dismiss it as a minority opinion before, it's still nagging.
#NodeBB is GPLv3 w/ CLA for contributors. The ONLY reason we do this is so we can re-license it for corporations whose lawyers balk at GPLv3.
You have no reason to believe me when I say that ☝️.
Which sucks, so how do you solve the problem of corporate lawyers raising issue with your permissive license?
I'd really prefer to do continue to do business with them, in general.