I finally managed to get #NodeJS working with #Typescript without using #CommonJS
This was the only resource that actually worked
Another day, another rejection 🎉
I recently crossed a hundred applications in the last four months, all of which I’m qualified for. If it was not for the 4-day week, my job hunting would have ended after 5 applications back in June 😑
#FediHire #rust #rustlang #typescript #nodejs #saas #webdev
#Bun is 3x or even 4x faster than #nodejs
This tutorial is a comprehensive guide to using #Redis for vector similarity search in a #NodeJS environment.
Passer de #NodeJs ( à #Deno ( , ça vaut le coup !
* Un simple exécutable à placer dans son ~/.local/bin.
* Standards web mieux gérés et plus largement utilisés.
* Des Apis pas trop différentes
* Une sécurité accrue.
Le travail de migration m'a permit d'isoler les dépendances au runtime dans deux-trois modules qui utilisent maintenant Deno ou NodeJs, au choix.
A tester, vraiment.
Bun 1.0 is here
#javascript #typescript #nodejs #bun #npm #replacement
How hard is it to fork #Deno and completely remove #NodeJS support from it?
J'utilisais JSDom ( dans un projet #nodejs #javascript pour générer un arbre #opml (
J'ai décidé de m'en passer simplement en manipulant des tableaux d'objets puis en sérialisant le tout sous forme de string #xml . À la « old school » quoi !
Une cinquantaine de lignes de code pour se débarrasser de 2.95 Mo de dépendances (dont je n'utilisais qu'une petite partie), on peut dire que ce n'est pas du temps perdu 😄
#nodejs #javascript #opml #xml
Altis Cloud wants to build the best possible #NodeJS service for decoupled #WordPress sites. We'd love to hear from developers on what their ideal NodeJS setup is. ❤️❤️❤️
The complexity of writing an efficient #NodeJS #Docker image by Samuel Bodin
#100DaysOfCode : #NodeJS #Express #SQLite #VanillaJS
#Day41 : Beginned email template in Newsletter Express project
Source Code :
Learned :
-inline styles
-html tag <style>
-email HTML current state : can get rid of tables if using divs. Still need to learn more about the support of semantic html elements
#WebDev #Frontend #CSS #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #LearnJavascript #JS #emailgeeks
#100daysofcode #nodejs #express #sqlite #vanillajs #day41 #webdev #frontend #css #webdesign #learnwebdev #javascript #learntocode #learnjavascript #js #emailgeeks
#NodeJS 20.6 broke my CICD as it did for soooo many others
#100DaysOfCode : #NodeJS #Express #SQLite #VanillaJS
#Day40 : Added unsubscription logic and SQL handling in Newsletter Express project
Source Code :
Added :
- Unsubscription logic : Create a route for users to unsubscribe from the newsletter. Update the database accordingly.
Learned :
-async await handling of errors in Express, require to try catch and next to a middleware
#WebDev #Frontend #CSS #WebDesign #LearnWebDev #Javascript #LearnToCode #LearnJavascript #JS
#100daysofcode #nodejs #express #sqlite #vanillajs #day40 #webdev #frontend #css #webdesign #learnwebdev #javascript #learntocode #learnjavascript #js
Node v20.6.0 #NodeJS
– Built-in support for .env files via CLI option --env-file=config.env.
– Now unflagged: import.meta.resolve().
– Loaders can now be registered programmatically via node:module.register() (complementing the CLI option --experimental-loader).
Dealing with #DevOps as a #PHP developer is fine...
Until you also have to deal with #NodeJs servers
I still have to see a Node error message that clearly identifies the real problem
can't count the hours lost in trying to understand what goes wrong and where
#devops #php #nodejs #nightmare
Would appreciate some feedback from developerland, folks. Please boost for wider views? 🙏
Back-End / Full-Stack Developers - how would you describe your SQL querying skills (based on your strongest relational or non-relational database)?
#dotnet #java #php #python #nodejs #developer #database #sql
#dotnet #java #php #python #nodejs #developer #database #sql
I did a complete rewrite of an 8-year system into a shiny new TypeScript Node.js CLI 🥳
When you're an indie dev, you can do what you want!
But seriously that overhaul was a big project and I wrote some reflections about open source, motivation, learning, big rewrites, maintenance, testing, and speed:
✨ Today’s a good day to send your local indie developer a nice message!
#nodejs #nodecli #steno #indiedev #opensource
My Node.js is a bit Rusty #rust #rustlang #programming #js #javascript #nodejs
#rust #rustlang #programming #js #javascript #nodejs
Hi everyone,
I'm Fred, 35ish father of two sons living in Bordeaux, France. 🇫🇷
I am a software developper and a teacher.
I develop mainly in #angular #NestJs ( #nodejs ) and #dotnet Planning to learn #godot soon!
I teach mostly about #softwarearchitecture #softwaretesting #Tdd
Hoping to learn new things here! #Introduction
#angular #nestjs #nodejs #dotnet #godot #softwarearchitecture #softwaretesting #tdd #introduction