Come creare un sistema di irrigazione automatica con ESP8266 controllato da Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #digitale, #elettronicadigitale, #esp8266, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #KiCad, #libreria, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #pressioneatmosferica, #resistenza, #scheduler, #sensore, #sensorediintensitàdiluce, #sensoredipressioneatmosferica, #sensori, #temperatura, #tutorial, #umidità, #wifi
#arduinocloud #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cavidupont #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #digitale #elettronicadigitale #esp8266 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #kicad #libreria #nodemcu #platformio #pressioneatmosferica #resistenza #scheduler #sensore #sensorediintensitadiluce #sensoredipressioneatmosferica #sensori #temperatura #tutorial #umidita #wifi
Litter Box Sensor Lets You Know Exactly What the Cat’s Been Up To - In our experience, there’s rarely any question when the cat uses the litter box. A... - #home-assistant #homehacks #litterbox #nodemcu #feline #mq135 #mqtt #pets #cat
#cat #pets #mqtt #mq135 #feline #nodemcu #litterbox #homehacks #home
Come usare lo scheduler di Arduino Cloud con una ESP8266 su PlatformIO
#arduinocloud, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #cloud, #digitale, #diodoLED, #elettronicadigitale, #esp8266, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #led, #LEDrosso, #libreria, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #PWM, #resistenza, #tutorial
#arduinocloud #breadboard #cavidupont #cloud #digitale #diodoled #elettronicadigitale #esp8266 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #led #ledrosso #libreria #nodemcu #platformio #pwm #resistenza #tutorial
How to create a remote control system of two LEDs with ESP8266,Arduino Cloud and PlatformIO
#arduinocloud, #breadboard, #cloud, #digital, #digitalelectronics, #Dupontcables, #esp8266, #internetofthings, #iot, #led, #LEDdiode, #library, #lightintensity, #NodeMCU, #oscilloscope, #platformio, #PWM, #redLED, #resistor, #tutorial
#arduinocloud #breadboard #cloud #digital #Digitalelectronics #dupontcables #esp8266 #internetofthings #iot #led #leddiode #library #lightintensity #nodemcu #oscilloscope #platformio #pwm #redled #resistor #tutorial
Come creare un sistema di controllo remoto di due LED con ESP8266, Arduino Cloud e PlatformIO
#arduinocloud, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #cloud, #digitale, #diodoLED, #elettronicadigitale, #esp8266, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #led, #LEDrosso, #libreria, #NodeMCU, #oscilloscopio, #platformio, #PWM, #resistenza, #tutorial
#arduinocloud #breadboard #cavidupont #cloud #digitale #diodoled #elettronicadigitale #esp8266 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #led #ledrosso #libreria #nodemcu #oscilloscopio #platformio #pwm #resistenza #tutorial
Come controllare la luminosità di due LED indipendenti tramite segnale PWM regolato da due potenziometri con ESP32 e PlatformIO
#breadboard, #caviDupont, #digitale, #diodoLED, #elettronicadigitale, #esp32, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #led, #LEDrosso, #libreria, #linux, #NodeMCU, #oscilloscopio, #platformio, #potenziometro, #PWM, #resistenza, #tutorial
#breadboard #cavidupont #digitale #diodoled #elettronicadigitale #esp32 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #led #ledrosso #libreria #linux #nodemcu #oscilloscopio #platformio #potenziometro #pwm #resistenza #tutorial
How to control the brightness of two independent LEDs via PWM signal adjusted by two potentiometers with ESP32 and PlatformIO
#breadboard, #digital, #digitalelectronics, #Dupontcables, #esp32, #internetofthings, #iot, #led, #LEDdiode, #library, #lightintensity, #linux, #NodeMCU, #oscilloscope, #platformio, #potentiometer, #PWM, #redLED, #resistor, #tutorial
#breadboard #digital #Digitalelectronics #dupontcables #esp32 #internetofthings #iot #led #leddiode #library #lightintensity #linux #nodemcu #oscilloscope #platformio #potentiometer #pwm #redled #resistor #tutorial
How to control the brightness of two independent LEDs via PWM signal adjusted by two potentiometers with ESP32 and PlatformIO
#breadboard, #caviDupont, #digitale, #diodoLED, #elettronicadigitale, #esp32, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #led, #LEDrosso, #libreria, #linux, #NodeMCU, #oscilloscopio, #platformio, #potenziometro, #PWM, #resistenza, #tutorial
#breadboard #cavidupont #digitale #diodoled #elettronicadigitale #esp32 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #led #ledrosso #libreria #linux #nodemcu #oscilloscopio #platformio #potenziometro #pwm #resistenza #tutorial
Come controllare un motore DC tramite ESP32 e Bluetooth con L298N su PlatformIO
#bluetooth, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #digitale, #elettronicadigitale, #esp32, #internetdellecose, #iot, #L298N, #libreria, #linux, #motoreDC, #motoreelettrico, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #ponteH, #PWM, #tutorial
#bluetooth #breadboard #cavidupont #digitale #elettronicadigitale #esp32 #InternetdelleCose #iot #L298N #libreria #linux #motoredc #motoreelettrico #nodemcu #platformio #ponteh #pwm #tutorial
How to control a DC motor via ESP32 and Bluetooth with L298N on PlatformIO
#bluetooth, #breadboard, #DCmotor, #digital, #digitalelectronics, #Dupontcables, #esp32, #Hbridge, #internetofthings, #iot, #L298N, #library, #linux, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #PWM, #tutorial
#bluetooth #breadboard #dcmotor #digital #Digitalelectronics #dupontcables #esp32 #hbridge #internetofthings #iot #L298N #library #linux #nodemcu #platformio #pwm #tutorial
Is there a taxonomy/explainer/breakdown in the #esp32 #nodemcu space? Like what's the relationship, what's the history, what's the difference among all the options and sources?
It's super confusing.
#esp32 #nodemcu #microcontrollers #micropython
Woohoo finally got my redone bookshelf and LEDs in! Here’s some various pics from along the way.
This started off as a bookshelf remodel. After the remodeling came the lights. I only had to backtrack a little on my remodel job (shame on me for a missed planning step 😂)
Project uses: #ws2812b LEDs, #wled, #esp8266 / #nodeMCU microcontroller + components, #pine64 #pinecil soldering iron, #patience, and some doorbell wire to run the strips in series.
#ws2812b #wled #esp8266 #nodemcu #pine64 #Pinecil #patience #diy #tech
So. It turns out there's 74 billion different #esp32 #nodemcu board layouts out there and the label doesn't mean anything. Is everyone just making their own #kicad symbols feetprint for these or what?
(Mine says "ESP32-WROOM-32D" but has 38 pins where 1 and 2 are 3V3 and EN. No existing footprint looks like that AFAICT.)
#esp32 #nodemcu #kicad #microcontroller #electronics
A Low Budget DIY Vibrotactile Stimulator For Experimental CRS #coordinatedresetstimulation #deepbrainstimulation #Parkinson'sdisease #neuromodulation #MedicalHacks #vibrotactile #parkinson's #medicine #NodeMCU
#coordinatedresetstimulation #deepbrainstimulation #parkinson #neuromodulation #MedicalHacks #vibrotactile #medicine #nodemcu
A Low Budget DIY Vibrotactile Stimulator For Experimental CRS - Modern techniques of Coordinated Reset Stimulation (which is usually administered ... - #coordinatedresetstimulation #deepbrainstimulation #parkinsonsdisease #neuromodulation #medicalhacks #vibrotactile #parkinsons #medicine #nodemcu
#nodemcu #medicine #parkinsons #vibrotactile #medicalhacks #neuromodulation #parkinsonsdisease #deepbrainstimulation #coordinatedresetstimulation
My ESPNOW to WiFi/REST gateway using a Wemos D1 mini Pro and a NodeMCU.
Based on the ESPNOW to MQTT gateway by MrDIY:
📶 I had to use the D1 mini Pro because of the external antenna. Without it the range for ESPNOW was a few centimetres with all esp8266 boards I tried, not sure why.
#esp8266 #ESPNOW #esp32 #nodemcu #wemosd1mini
#esp8266 #ESPNOW #esp32 #nodemcu #wemosd1mini
@acn128 first milestone reached: the #NodeMCU is talking to the #Z21 via #UDP and has just received the Z21 firmware version info (little-endian, lsb first). Quick and dirty code, not very nice ...
And yes, it's so basic you can actually do it on a C64 using Oliver Schmidt's #ContikiOS for #MOS6502 port - we'll see ...
#nodemcu #z21 #udp #dcc #fleischmann #modelrailroad #esp32 #arduinoide #contikios #mos6502
Dang! Read through the docs and realized #KipperBASIC is TCP only!
So to make use of a C64 as a client device, I might need to use #ContikiOS - not what I had planned for !!
But if we got to do it 'C' style, why not use one of the many #NodeMCU boards I got lying around here ... hmmm ...
#KipperBASIC #contikios #nodemcu
Ambient Display Tells You if Borealis is Coming to Town #Microcontrollers #microcontroller #ambientdisplay #auroraborealis #northernlights #homehacks #hardware #7segment #tutorial #ESP8266 #NodeMCU #veneer
#Microcontrollers #microcontroller #ambientdisplay #auroraborealis #northernlights #homehacks #hardware #7segment #tutorial #ESP8266 #nodemcu #veneer
Ambient Display Tells You if Borealis is Coming to Town - For those times when you’d rather not get sucked down another internet rabbit hole... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #ambientdisplay #auroraborealis #northernlights #homehacks #hardware #7segment #tutorial #esp8266 #nodemcu #veneer
#veneer #nodemcu #esp8266 #tutorial #7segment #hardware #homehacks #northernlights #auroraborealis #ambientdisplay #microcontroller #microcontrollers