#3GoodThings #ReasonsToBeCheerful
1. I did not respond to personal life (unnecessary) drama messages today.
2. Caught up with friends chit chatting and about gaming tonight, mostly Palia.
3. Talked about impromptu plans to travel next week to see my family. Have time off, but normally I schedule things. This time I decided this is what my heart and soul need. Self care.
#3goodthings #reasonstobecheerful #nodrama #palia #selfcare
Muggenbeet. Niet leuk. Het jeukt. Midden op mijn rug. #kleinleed #nodrama #mozzies
Things you see at the park:
Kid peeps into big wheelie garbage bin.
Kid puts his slippers into bin.
Kid runs away to play.
Kid's father nonchalantly goes to bin.
Turns bin on its side.
Fishes out the slippers.
Goes back to his bench and continues to eat his snacks.
#respect #nodrama #parenting
"Keir #Starmer tells Zelensky UK support will ‘remain the same’ under Labour government: Labour leader visits war-torn Kyiv suburb ahead of #Zelensky meeting "
#NoDrama #Military #War #Conflict #Russia #US #Ukraine #Allies #NATO
#NATO #allies #Ukraine #US #Russia #conflict #War #military #nodrama #zelensky #starmer
Walking into the New Year like …
#newyear #cats #nodrama #2023goals
#newyear #cats #nodrama #2023goals
@buitengebieden When I came to this site you were the "ONLY" one I looked for for from the bird site to add. I loved watching your post they are so soothing to me. #Nodrama #Justjoy
Me voy a ir a pasear al perro y después a intentar estudiar otro rato... Si me dejan #NoDrama
Came to the realisation that life is so much easier when you just block all drama makers, bring on the nice things!
What are you doing nice over the weekend?
Darlington is having another Ice Sculpture Trail today, will nip out on my lunch get a hot chocolate and have a look!
#IceSculpture #nodrama #nicethings
Let the holiday tantrums begin!
Or not. Just say no (#NoContact, that is) to #ChristmasKaren. If you're stuck with them (still married/share kids) then disengage, detach and ignore as best you can.
#nocontact #christmaskaren #npdfreechristmas #bpdfreechristmas #nodrama
@badhorse @jerry Since I joined, the instance has been full of helpful people suggesting nuanced ways to search; mute; block; and report.
Seems as if Jerry is being very diplomatic, and I appreciate that over a missed opportunity to highlight what this platform does well. #nodrama
@clipperchip Same, these guys run a pretty tight and fast server. Have never really had any problems for the short time I've been here.
I just want to say how AWESOME Mastodon really is when it comes to conversations.
It's nice to post a simple picture of the current weather for the day and have full blown conversations with many other individuals. And not just conversations, but meaningful, in-depth conversations without any negativity, drama or anything else.
Mastodon is such a positive place and we all need a place full of fresh air like this!
#awesome #conversations #goodpeople #nodrama #notoxicity
Ben jij wel eens bewust bezig met waar je aan bijdraagt met je acties en je woorden?
Sta eens stil bij waar je echt aan wilt bijdragen, wat je wél wil creëren en waar jij wél in gelooft. Alles wat je aandacht geeft groeit!
#nodrama #creatie #nieuwewereld #aandachtgeven
Wat slimme mensen doen op #Instagram: zeggen dat ze gaan vanwege een #shadowban, dan iedereen op een dramatische toon naar hun nieuwsbrief sturen. Slimme marketingtruc om meer nieuwsbriefabonnees te krijgen, dit kun je ook eindeloos doen zonder werkelijk van Insta af te gaan. Het werkt, goeie #clickbait!
Wat ik doe: zeggen dat ik vertrek, mijn account leeghalen, één berichtje achterlaten waar mensen me kunnen vinden in de toekomst en gaan! Dit werkt ook, nooit meer clickbait!
#instagram #shadowban #clickbait #nodrama