The universe is weird, yo. It’s so easy to think of it as just this big box, a big giant space. But the truth is that it’s bendy and foldy and also, time is a dimension? The more we learn, the harder it gets to wrap our brains around it, because we live in three-dimensional space with a linear perception of time. 🤯😲🌌 #NoEdge #SpaceIsSoCool
@cgaedt @TilliAtHome Okay irgendwo in der Küche scheint der Sender zu sein, 🛜 🥳 #schwarzwald
#Edgeland #NoEdge
#schwarzwald #edgeland #noedge
You mean to tell me that @hankgreen 's "Dude, no edge" video is 11 years old? #nerdfighters #dftba #noedge