The worst thing about #BarterGate is that it's now 2023 and most Irish people can still, apparently, not pronounce 'Renault' vaguely correctly.
#bartergate #rte #RyanTubridy #noelkelly
For today's Episode of #RTEGate at #OireachtasTV I have rustled up a sweet board (we will need the sugar).
If you would like your snacks to look as good as this, just pop over to simples.
#rtegate #OireachtasTV #slated #Oireachtas #slatedatpac #noelkelly #RyanTubridy
Serious Hud Hastings vibes coming off any photo I've seen so far of Noel Kelly.
"Is he...wearing a crown?"
#RTEPaymentsScandal #Tubsidy
#Tubridy #RyanTubridy #Oireachtas #NoelKelly #FatherTed #FrTed #MastoDaoine #RTE
#rtepaymentsscandal #tubsidy #tubridy #RyanTubridy #Oireachtas #noelkelly #fatherted #frted #mastodaoine #rte