Today #Iraq continued its policy of shutting down the Internet during school exams for the sixth time since June 1.
As we've said before, #InternetShutdowns harm the economy and prevent people from communicating, collaborating, and connecting.
#iraq #internetshutdowns #keepiton #noexamshutdown
Is this good news for #Iraq 🇮🇶? The Ministry of Communication has considered requests to not shutdown access to the #Internet during the upcoming general school exams.
#iraq #internet #noexamshutdown #keepiton #internetaccess
Shutdowns in the MENA region take many forms, but year after year, the region has led the world in exam-related shutdowns.
With the 2023 exam season quickly approaching, authorities must guarantee #NoExamShutdown! #KeepItOn
Join the effort to demand authorities in MENA (Middle East and Northern Africa) countries guarantee free and open access to the Internet during upcoming exams.
#NoExamShutdown #KeepItOn #InternetAccess #Internet #InternetShutdowns
#noexamshutdown #keepiton #internetaccess #internet #internetshutdowns