When you are reminded that capitalism stops not starts technological development
#plannedobsolescence #monopolypower #nofacebook
@vosje62 boeven zijn het en de gebruikers die het allemaal wel OK vinden, die....laat maar
Du hast ein Konto bei Facebook oder Instagram? Seit drei Tagen kannst du der Verarbeitung deiner Daten für personalisierte Werbung widersprechen:
Weitere Infos: https://noyb.eu/de/opt-out-kostenloses-noyb-tool-fuer-schnellen-und-umfassenden-facebook-widerspruch
Our Customizable Natural Lip Balm Pack (Set of 4) lets you choose four of our natural lip balms that makes the perfect gift for any occasion . . . or just for yourself!
Made with only certified organic ingredients, our lip balms are free of any parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and come in a 4-pack lip balm box.
Customizable Natural Lip Balm Pack (Set of 4) ($13.99): https://www.thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/customizable-natural-lip-balm-pack-set-of-4-/164
Ingredients: Organic Beeswax, Organic Sweet Almond Oil, Organic Golden Jojoba Oil, Organic Shea Butter, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Natural Flavor Oil and/or Organic Essential Oils, Organic Vitamin E Oil, Organic Argan Oil
#paralleleconomy #brighteon #skincare #affordableskincare #natural #organic #lipbalm #safe #nontoxic #nonwoke #nofacebook #noinstagram #americanmade #nochemicals #chapstick
#chapstick #nochemicals #AmericanMade #noinstagram #nofacebook #nonwoke #nontoxic #safe #lipbalm #organic #natural #affordableskincare #skincare #brighteon #paralleleconomy
No dobrze, #Hometown przetestowane. Faktycznie jest prawie identyczne jak #Mastodon i faktycznie da się publikować tylko lokalnie (jest do tego specjalny przycisk). Tylko czy da się gdzieś wykupić (niedrogi) hosting Hometown?
Uff! W takim tempie testowanie całej listy (👆) zajmie mi miesiące.
Nie będę Was wspominał w kolejnych postach, żeby Was nie zalewać wpisami. Chyba że ktoś faktycznie sobie życzy - w takim wypadku proszę o odpowiedź na ten mój wpis. (Milczenie oznaczać będzie, żeby Was odłączyć z wątku).
Na koniec: jeszcze raz dziękuję za Wasze wszystkie rady w sprawie zamiennika grup FB! 💚 To było pomocne i inspirujące.
@m0bi13 @miklo @anthropoid @ojablkach @didek @piotrsikora @koval_blazej @kwj @Mateusz @szkodnix
#bezFB #zamiastFB #bezFacebooka #zamiastFacebooka #alternatywy #alternativeTo #noFacebook #FOSS #Fediversum #hostingFedi #FediverseHosting #FediHosting #FediTipsPL #FediPomoc
#hometown #mastodon #bezfb #zamiastfb #bezfacebooka #zamiastfacebooka #alternatywy #alternativeto #nofacebook #foss #fediversum #hostingfedi #fediversehosting #fedihosting #feditipspl #fedipomoc
Our Customizable Natural Lip Balm Pack (Set of 4) lets you choose four of our natural lip balms that makes the perfect gift for any occasion . . . or just for yourself!
Made with only organic ingredients, our lip balms are free of any parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and come in a 4-pack lip balm box.
Customizable Natural Lip Balm Pack (Set of 4) ($13.99): https://www.thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/customizable-natural-lip-balm-pack-set-of-4-/164
Ingredients: Organic Beeswax, Organic Sweet Almond Oil, Organic Golden Jojoba Oil, Organic Shea Butter, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Natural Flavor Oil and/or Organic Essential Oils, Organic Vitamin E Oil, Organic Argan Oil
#paralleleconomy #brighteon #skincare #affordableskincare #natural #organic #lipbalm #safe #nontoxic #nonwoke #nofacebook #noinstagram #americanmade #nochemicals
#nochemicals #AmericanMade #noinstagram #nofacebook #nonwoke #nontoxic #safe #lipbalm #organic #natural #affordableskincare #skincare #brighteon #paralleleconomy
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Enjoy 20% off (this weekend only) during our Spring Soap Sale on the following goat milk soaps using this discount code SPRING20:
🌼 Chamomile Goat Milk Soap (5 oz)
🌼 Southern Magnolia Goat Milk Soap (5 oz)
🌼 Cucumber Melon Goat Milk Soap (5 oz)
#goatmilksoap #soap #skincare #alphahydroxyacid #sale #discount #spring #paralleleconomy #smallbusiness #americanmade #nonwoke #nofacebook #noinstagram #brighteon
#brighteon #noinstagram #nofacebook #nonwoke #AmericanMade #smallbusiness #paralleleconomy #spring #discount #sale #alphahydroxyacid #skincare #soap #goatmilksoap
@malwaretech I'm glad I'm not in this platform either. #NoTwitter #NoFacebook
Embellir Ultra-Moisturizing Recovery Face Serum is made with the most hydrating, moisturizing, nourishing, and healing oils (almond oil, apricot kernel oil, olive oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, carrot seed oil, raspberry seed oil) that contain high levels of vitamins A, B17, C, and E, as well as minerals and omega-3 fatty acids.
Embellir also has skin-loving pure essential oils such as ylang ylang, frankincense, lavender, and patchouli.
Embellir is helpful for those living in high elevations or arid terrains, facing extreme weather conditions, and/or suffering from skin inflammation or extreme dryness.
Embellir Ultra-Moisturizing Recovery Face Serum (1 fl. oz. for $11.99): http://thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/embellir-ultra-moisturizing-recovery-face-serum-1-oz-/98.
#paralleleconomy #brighteon #skincare #faceserum #essentialoils #eczema #rosacea #psoriasis #diabetes #health #natural #smallfamilybusiness #nofacebook #noinstagram
#noinstagram #nofacebook #smallfamilybusiness #natural #health #diabetes #psoriasis #rosacea #eczema #Essentialoils #faceserum #skincare #brighteon #paralleleconomy
Natural Banana 🍌 Lip Balm, made completely with certified organic ingredients, is bursting with the sweet and fruity flavor of tropical bananas. It's free of any parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and comes individually boxed.
It refreshes, smooths, nourishes, and revitalizes your lips with every swipe! Go bananas for Natural Banana 🍌 Lip Balm ($3.99): https://www.thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/natural-banana-lip-balm-0-18-oz-/156
#paralleleconomy #lipbalm #certifiedorganic #organic #bananas #health #smallbusiness #brighteon #nofacebook #noinstagram #nonwoke
#nonwoke #noinstagram #nofacebook #brighteon #smallbusiness #health #bananas #organic #certifiedorganic #lipbalm #paralleleconomy
Love to hear what customers are saying about Forêt de Fleurs Face Repair Serum!
Forêt de Fleurs Face Repair Serum hydrates and penetrates the skin and contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and pure essential oils to stimulate cell renewal, giving your face a radiant and renewed complexion.
Forêt de Fleurs Face Repair Serum evens out skin tone and targets wrinkles, pigmentation, and redness and can reduce the effects of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and rashes. It includes hydrating, non-comedogenic oils to bring your dry skin back to life.
Forêt de Fleurs Face Repair Serum (1 fl. oz.): http://thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/for-t-de-fleurs-face-repair-serum-1-oz-/71.
#paralleleconomy #faceserum #essentialoils #pureessentialoils #skincare #parabenfree #affordableskincare #nonwoke #nofacebook #noinstagram #smallbusiness #brighteon
#brighteon #smallbusiness #noinstagram #nofacebook #nonwoke #affordableskincare #parabenfree #skincare #pureessentialoils #Essentialoils #faceserum #paralleleconomy
@AngelLisa0515 hehe… kann’s mir grad vorstellen. Ganz schlimm manchmal dort beim Fratzenbuch. Ich hab da die Übung verloren, da ich vor drei Jahren allem abgeschworen hatte, wo #Zuckerberg draufsteht. Ich bin IT Spezi und weiss einigermassen gut, was mit den Nutzerdaten dieser Plattformen passiert. #noWhatsApp #noFacebook #noInstagram #dataprivacy
#zuckerberg #nowhatsapp #nofacebook #noinstagram #dataprivacy
Get ready for summer with our Summer Beach Bag Bundle! Each bundle includes The GOAT Farm Canvas Tote Bag, one Crazy Coconut Mini Sunscreen Lotion (4 oz), one Party Peppermint Mini Sunscreen Lotion (4 oz), one Upbeat Unscented Mini Sunscreen Lotion (4 oz), and one Summer Dorothy Keychain.
Our Tote Bags are made of durable 100% natural cotton canvas and features a drawstring closure, versatile shoulder strap, and a hidden pocket on the back. At 15" x 19" x 10" these tote bags are perfect for holding The GOAT Farm Sunscreen Lotions, beach towels, sunglasses, and other beach essentials. Bring The GOAT Farm to the beach with you!
Summer Beach Bag Bundle: https://www.thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/summer-beach-bag-bundle/158
#paralleleconomy #sunscreen #summer #beach #totebag #bag #bundle #brighteon #smallbusiness #nonwoke #nofacebook #noinstagram
#noinstagram #nofacebook #nonwoke #smallbusiness #brighteon #bundle #bag #totebag #beach #summer #sunscreen #paralleleconomy
Google really is the cancer of the internet. Metastases already have infested every singe cell (website).
And what would be a corresponding term for Facebook?
Have no idea right now, help needed.
Google is sozusagen das Krebsgeschwür des Internets. Es hat mittlerweise Metastasen gebildet, die in jede einzelne Zelle (Webseite) vorgedrungen sind.
Aber was ist dann die passende Entsprechung für Facebook?
Ich komme grad nicht drauf.
Our Limited Valentine's Day Soap Gift Box includes the following:
❤️ Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Goat Milk Soap
❤️ Chamomile Goat Milk Soap
❤️ Rose Petals Goat Milk Soap
❤️ sisal mesh exfoliating soap bag
❤️ Happy Valentine's Day card (that you can add your own personalized message to)
This luxurious goat milk soap gift box makes the perfect gift for the love of your life!
Limited Valentine's Day Soap Gift Box: https://www.thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/valentine-s-day-soap-gift-box/149
#paralleleconomy #brighteon #valentinesday #valentinesdaygift #soap #goatmilksoap #giftbox #gift #smallbusiness #americanmade #nonwoke #nofacebook #noinstagram
#noinstagram #nofacebook #nonwoke #AmericanMade #smallbusiness #gift #giftbox #goatmilksoap #soap #ValentinesDayGift #valentinesday #brighteon #paralleleconomy
Renew your skin with Renew Facial Set that includes our gentle Grapefruit & Apricot Face Scrub (3 oz.) and one healing Lavender & Rose Face Cream (3 oz.). Add on any of our skin-loving face serums to customize your natural skincare routine and for additional savings.
Grapefruit & Apricot Face Scrub helps you to obtain beautiful, smooth, and moisturized skin while fighting acne, reducing acne scarring, removing dead skin and flakes, unclogging skin pores, and improving skin texture.
Lavender & Rose Face Cream can be used as a whole-face moisturizer as well as an eye cream, moisturizing and protecting the delicate areas above and below the eyes. It also makes an excellent neck moisturizer.
Renew Facial Set: https://www.thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/renew-facial-set/142
#paralleleconomy #faceset #facescrub #facecream #faceserum #skincare #essentialoils #pureessentialoils #discount #affordableskincare #nofacebook #noinstagram
#noinstagram #nofacebook #affordableskincare #discount #pureessentialoils #Essentialoils #skincare #faceserum #facecream #facescrub #faceset #paralleleconomy
@Mozinet @clochix vu ce qu'il a gagner avec cette collecte, je pense qu'il doit plutot rigoler, car entre le moment ou l'on découvre la collecte, que l'enquête soit faite et enfin le jugement, il se passe combien d'années ? il est certain qu'il a été gagné au centuple de ce qu'il vont payer #metamenteur #nofacebook
Ein Jahrzehnt sicheres Messaging!
Es geht auch ohne #WhatsApp.
10 Jahre Threema
#whatsapp #threema #noMeta #nofacebook