Global News BC: Young drivers pan high ICBC premiums amid back-to-school cost pressures #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #newdrivercarinsurance #youthcarinsurance #NoFaultInsurance #ICBCinsurance #CarInsurance #enhancedcare #Insurance #nofault #Money #ICBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #newdrivercarinsurance #youthcarinsurance #NoFaultInsurance #icbcinsurance #CarInsurance #enhancedcare #insurance #nofault #money #ICBC
Global News BC: West Vancouver woman impaled by car smashing into Whole Foods speaks out #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #westvancouvercollision #carintogrocerystore #WestVancouvercrash #NoFaultInsurance #CarintoBuilding #WholeFoodsCrash #westvancouver #WholeFoods #nofault #Crime #ICBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #westvancouvercollision #carintogrocerystore #westvancouvercrash #NoFaultInsurance #carintobuilding #wholefoodscrash #westvancouver #wholefoods #nofault #crime #ICBC
The continuing lack of action of #nofault evictions is a classic bit of #Tory declaratory politics...
again & again Tory ministers have vowed to improve #renters rights & protections, but then have not delivered on these promises.
One might conclude then when push comes to shove, often being #landlords themselves & certainly knowing many friends who are renting out properties, #Tories are unwilling to curtail the 'rights' of landlords to chuck tenants out at will!
#nofault #tory #renters #landlords #tories
Global News BC: Eby says ICBC safeguards in place amid latest complaints about no-fault insurance #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #autoinsurancenightmare #NoFaultInsurance #PremierDavidEby #AutoInsurance #ICBCNoFault #Insurance #Consumer #DavidEby #nofault #Canada #ICBC #NDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #autoinsurancenightmare #NoFaultInsurance #PremierDavidEby #AutoInsurance #icbcnofault #insurance #Consumer #DavidEby #nofault #Canada #ICBC #ndp
Global News BC: B.C. woman says ICBC fighting her over coverage 9 months after serious crash #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #nofaultinsurancecomplaint #Collisioncoverage #insuracnecoverage #NoFaultInsurance #medicalexpenses #ICBCComplaint #icbccoverage #Collision #Consumer #nofault #ICBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nofaultinsurancecomplaint #collisioncoverage #insuracnecoverage #NoFaultInsurance #medicalexpenses #icbccomplaint #icbccoverage #collision #Consumer #nofault #ICBC
I have 2 friends in similar circumstance w/ICBC. The no fault system is crap.
'An #OliverBC resident is exhausted by the constant #challenges she's been facing to get #compensation for her recovery care under #ICBC 's #NoFault system, limiting her options a year after she was in a #collision .'
#BritishColumbia #legal #injustice #ShitSystem #RemoveNoFault #CarInsurance #MotorVehicleAccident
#oliverbc #challenges #compensation #icbc #nofault #collision #britishcolumbia #legal #injustice #shitsystem #removenofault #carinsurance #motorvehicleaccident