As far as I’m concerned, there is no redemption for Will Smith. When he slapped Chris Rock, he slapped all of Black America. His ego and insecurity caused damage that will last for decades, and it recorded a disgraceful act that’s indelible. May he carry that burden for a very, very long time.
Will Smith is lucky that Chris Rock is more of an adult than Smith himself was. Many people are; that situation could’ve been a lot worse.
#NoExcuse #NoForgiveness
#WillSmith #ChrisRock
#chrisrock #willsmith #noforgiveness #noexcuse
@BobM Preach. ✊
I bought myself one of these, so I can passive agressively advertise my disdain for the general Gammon populace of my area. I refuse to apologise for the immaturity.
#NoForgiveness #BrexitBrokeBritain
#BrexitBrokeBritain #noforgiveness
DO NOT READ the Guardian Politics Live Blog about the WhatsApp leaks. It will absolutely blow. your. mind.
It's Labour's fault, apparently.
#Covid #Wanksock #FFS #EnoughIsEnough #NoForgiveness #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #noforgiveness #enoughisenough #ffs #wanksock #COVID
Today's game of circular firing squad continues unabated. Richard Fucking Tice. I ask you.
(from GPLB)
"Richard Tice, Reform UK leader and Oakeshott's partner, says WhatsApp leak justified because Covid inquiry may not uncover truth"
#Covid #WankSock #NoForgiveness #UKPolitics #FuckTheTories #EnoughIsEnough
#enoughisenough #FuckTheTories #ukpolitics #noforgiveness #wanksock #COVID
Tune in for more self-pitying bullshit:
"Speaker grants urgent question at 12.30pm on care home policy during Covid following Hancock allegations"
#NoForgiveness #FuckTheTories #EnoughIsEnough
#enoughisenough #FuckTheTories #noforgiveness
And now this weapons-grade c*nt has crawled out of the woodwork. "... the government is guilty of some overclaiming when it said there was no border in the Irish Sea." You mean you're a self-serving ignorant bunch of bastards. Fuck off.
#BrexShit #FFS #BrokenBritain #NoForgiveness #FuckTheToriesForever
#fuckthetoriesforever #noforgiveness #brokenbritain #ffs #brexshit
нелюди ми ніколи не пробачимо #orcs #Russians #NoForgiveness We will never forget! #nonhuman #ukraine
#orcs #russians #noforgiveness #nonhuman #ukraine