#IT's #Smart, #IT's #Practical; #NoMuss, #NoFuss... #Good for #DayWear and #EveningWear...
Also, the #BlackHole isn't #Racist, either...
You and your #AntiRomulanRhetoric, #MisterDen...
I'm going to #ReportYou...! To yourself! Get you sent on some sort of #InsensitivityTrainingCourse...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#it #smart #practical #nomuss #nofuss #good #daywear #eveningwear #blackhole #racist #antiromulanrhetoric #misterden #reportyou #insensitivitytrainingcourse
#BTW: #IF (and #IT's a #VeryBIG #IF) you've ever #Wondered about the whole: #BrainLikeABulletTrain #Thing...
The #FollowingQuote #ExplainsIT...
#IF you #NeverUsedTwitter; you won't #Know... But I can always #PortIT into the #MastodonSpyBalloon...
I can #ExplainIT; but, #NoOneCares.com...
#NoFuss | #ZeroDrama... #AsYouWere...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#btw #if #it #verybig #wondered #brainlikeabullettrain #thing #followingquote #explainsit #neverusedtwitter #know #portit #mastodonspyballoon #nobiggie #explainit #noonecares #nofuss #zerodrama #asyouwere
#IF (and #IT's a #BIG #IF) you're #TotallyHappy with your #LatestInstance; #IT's #Cool
But, #IF (and #IT's another #Big #IF) you want to #Enjoy our #Shared #SafeSpace; I'm sure, #MisterDen and I will be #OnlyTooHappy to #Support you (and Heidi being her #AuthenticSelf)
#ThatWay, we can all #Preserve some of our #BestInteractions
#IT's just a #PassingThought
#Something to #ThinkAbout, maybe...
#NoFuss | #ZeroDrama | #ZeroPressure
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βπ πͺπ¦πͺπ β
#highjean #if #it #big #totallyhappy #latestinstance #cool #enjoy #shared #safespace #misterden #onlytoohappy #support #authenticself #thatway #preserve #bestinteractions #passingthought #something #thinkabout #nofuss #zerodrama #zeropressure
And, #WelcomeTo: #Today's #UnansweredQuestions...
#Meanwhile... #Speaking of #PlumAndRusty...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#welcometo #today #unansweredquestions #nofuss #zerodrama #meanwhile #speaking #plumandrusty
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingAdventureNotNews...
#BTW: #IF you #Happen to #Like #SpiderSeptember and #SpookyStuff; #PlayLimbo... #IT's #VerySpooky...
#Or... #DoSomethingElse...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πππ¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήππ
#notnews24 #unbreaklingadventurenotnews #btw #if #happen #like #spiderseptember #spookystuff #playlimbo #it #veryspooky #or #dosomethingelse #nofuss #zerodrama
#QuantumHighlyWeaponisedBullcrapGenerator, right...? | #NoFuss #ZeroDrama
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βοΈπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ βοΈ
#meanwhile #thishappened #quantumhighlyweaponisedbullcrapgenerator #nofuss #zerodrama
This is #SuchAGoodAlbum, I'm going to #PostIT... #Again; because #ICan...
No one on #Twitter seemed to #LikeIT; but, that's #Twitter for you...
#NoFuss #ZeroDrama | #CalmerThanTheDalaiLama
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | ππβοΈπ¦βοΈππ
Elijah Nang - Gaijin ε€δΊΊ [Full LP]
#suchagoodalbum #postit #again #ican #twitter #likeit #nofuss #zerodrama #calmerthanthedalailama
#IF (and #IT's another #VeryBIG #IF) you're #Wondering about #UltimateMemeClub; #IT's a #Thing...
While there is #Still a #LotGoingWrong with #Twitter under #SpaceKaren's "notional" #Leadership; #Lists are #Still #WorkingAsIntended | #NoFuss #ZeroDrama
#IT's a #TechnicalThing | #TrueFact
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βοΈπͺπ«π»π«πͺβ
#incidentally #if #it #verybig #wondering #ultimatememeclub #thing #still #lotgoingwrong #twitter #SpaceKaren #leadership #lists #workingasintended #nofuss #zerodrama #technicalthing #truefact
#Well... #That was #ShortLived...
#ImagineMySurprise | #NoFuss #ZeroDrama
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ β
#well #that #shortlived #imaginemysurprise #nofuss #zerodrama
This is #SuchAGoodAlbum, I'm going to #PostIT... #Again; because #ICan...
No one on #Twitter seemed to #LikeIT; but, that's #Twitter for you...
#NoFuss #ZeroDrama | #CalmerThanTheDalaiLama
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | ππβοΈπ¦βοΈππ
Elijah Nang - Gaijin ε€δΊΊ [Full LP]
#suchagoodalbum #postit #again #ican #twitter #likeit #nofuss #zerodrama #calmerthanthedalailama
And a-swish...
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | ππ π¦Ήπ¦ π¦Ήπ π
#IT probably won't come as #AnySurprise to #Learn that the Dell "Dimension 8300" remains #FullyFunctional; #AllCables and #Components are intact...
#IT runs #MSWindows98 as well as #AnythingCould #AtTheTime...
#IT's a #NostalgiaThing; #IF #Anyone #WantsIT, just #LetMeKnow...
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#it #anysurprise #learn #fullyfunctional #allcables #mswindows98 #anythingcould #atthetime #nostalgiathing #if #anyone #wantsit #letmeknow #aseasy #that #nofuss #zerodrama #components
#BTW: For the sake of #OpenTransparency
While #Spoutible is #SettlingIn to the already saturated #SocialMedia / #MessagingMarket; here are a few #GroundRules / #SecuritySettings I like to #Observe...
#KeepCalm | #NoFuss #ZeroDrama
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βοΈπͺπ«π¦π«πͺβοΈ
#btw #opentransparency #spoutible #settlingin #socialmedia #messagingmarket #groundrules #securitysettings #observe #keepcalm #nofuss #zerodrama
If you're not watching so much TV now; there's #NoPressure...
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#nopressure #nofuss #zerodrama
Saw this, had to share. π€£