A cappella · @waldenecovillage
352 followers · 590 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:

There have always been horrible people among us.

The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.*

Hating the players (while condoning the system) is just !

*See: "We The Elites: Why The U.S. Constitution Serves the few", By Robert Ovetz

#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
345 followers · 558 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
please don't demagogue the demagogues!

Hating the players is !

There have always been horrible people among us.

The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.

#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
345 followers · 553 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
please don't demagogue the demagogues!

Hating the players is !

There have always been horrible people among us.

The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.

#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
342 followers · 513 posts · Server kolektiva.social


I agree! It's truly sad and upsetting.

Religion is that harms us all, and for some it brings death, grief and destruction.

#massdelusion #antitheism #antireligion #nogodsnomasters

Last updated 1 year ago

Boots Chantilly · @BootsChantilly
1583 followers · 2402 posts · Server mstdn.social

@dancinyogi I’m just thrilled to know I’m not the only person who eats a lasagna with a spoon!


Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
299 followers · 360 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:

There have always been horrible people among us.

The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.

#SystemFail #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
297 followers · 341 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"Religion is dangerous to women and children", and every other living thing.

It should be universally recognized as the horrible delusion it is!

#antitheism #antireligion #nogodsnomasters

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella · @waldenecovillage
289 followers · 279 posts · Server kolektiva.social
need for stickers · @needforstickers
20 followers · 11 posts · Server todon.eu

Kein Boss und kein Job,
Kein Patriarchat und kein Gott!

Schau dir hier die ganze Auswahl an:

Gegen Spende verschicken wir die Sticker zu Dir! Auf Nachfrage auch gratis, schreib doch über element/matrix oder Mail. Kontaktinfos sind in der Profilbeschreibung.

No boss and no job,
No patriarchy and no God!

Check out the whole selection here:

For a donation we will send the stickers to you! On request also for free, just write via element/matrix or mail. Contact infos are in the profile description.

#needforstickers #sticker #stickers #mastoart #antiarbeit #antiwork #NoBosses #nogodsnomasters #nopatriarchy

Last updated 1 year ago

SemiRandomSevens · @SemiRandomSevens
5 followers · 6 posts · Server techhub.social

I've long been a fan of the title phrase, and multiple of its meanings.


#nogodsnomasters #garbage

Last updated 1 year ago

· @ordinoides
65 followers · 187 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Hey! It looks like a lot of people are doing and reintroduction posts because of the ongoing exodus from other social media.
I don't go by my real name on here, and I prefer not to give any pronouns for the sake of anonymity- refer to me however you like! My avatar is
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind from the film of the same name.
I toot a lot about because it's a free, zero pollution way to cook that is ideal for summer cooking because it doesn't heat your home or strain the electric grid. And it's fun! I'm looking to test the boundaries of weather and seasons for solar cooking in my region.
I made my own / out of free materials (cardboard boxes from the recycling, plastic bags, a scrap piece of clear acrylic) and some cheap supplies that tend to get used once and thrown away. (Glue, tape, aluminum foil). Pics attached (I've made two of them so far!)
People ask me sometimes for plans, and I usually direct them to the Solar Cooking Wiki. solarcooking.fandom.com/wiki/S That's where I learned most of what I know now (plus my own first hand experience). If you like paper books, Cooking With Sunshine by Lorraine Anderson is an excellent reference. I'm also in the process of writing a zine about solar cooking that I'll distribute for free once it's done!
All the food I make in the solar cooker and otherwise is because I feel strongly that it's the fairest and most sustainable way to eat. I also focus on making real food from scratch (especially and ) to show how useful the solar oven is. It's not an Easy Bake Oven! (Though I have baked a cake in it).
I also toot and share stuff about the , , and , among other things... It's all linked together. I want to be part of a fair and sustainable world for all people. Proud to be an anarchist,

#Introduction #solarpunk #solarCooking #solaroven #SolarCooker #Vegan #beans #bread #ClimateCrisis #veganism #urbanism #ebikes #libraries #nogodsnomasters #noborders

Last updated 1 year ago

A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
738 followers · 810 posts · Server todon.eu

Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:

There have always been horrible people among us.

The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.

#SystemFail #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism

Last updated 1 year ago

pro time theft · @protimetheft
29 followers · 148 posts · Server defcon.social

People in the USA have religious freedom (kinda, supposedly), but the reality is, Christianity controls SO FUCKING MUCH here. HUGE, untaxable amounts from Christian groups go to U.S. politics constantly. Always have, always will.

The gross bullshit is all over our money and everything else, too. In God we trust, one nation under God, etc.

But Christianity fucking sucks. And the Catholic church is fucked. Not only the child abuse (ALL religion is child abuse) - the Catholic church supported and funded Hitler, lest we forget.

Pat Robertson and all the other holier-than-thou "Christian" assholes in the USA making up hateful, bigoted bullshit about gay people and anything they see as a threat to their phony, made-up "morality". It's a fucking scourge.

Always remember. No gods, no masters. Religion is all bullshit.

#fuckreligion #noreligion #nogodsnomasters #ngnm #christianity #fuckchristianity #bigots #bigotry #phony #fake #christians #patrobertson #catholic #catholics #bullshit

Last updated 1 year ago

pro time theft · @protimetheft
12 followers · 36 posts · Server defcon.social

Introduction post? I'm not much for them. I don't like ones that intersperse hashtags. Here's mine.

I'm an anarchosocialist in the USA. I've felt this way since my teens, I'm in my 40s now. If anything, I'm getting MORE left/progressive as I get older. I'm about helping people. Redistributing wealth. Taking it from hoarding fucks that make everyone else suffer. We all know it, but we need to DO things about it. Spreading information helps.

That's why I'm here. To try and not bitch too much about day to day drama or the fascist demagogues in power, but to also hopefully give useful, practical ideas to free yourself more.

And also to recognize the cool stuff on Earth--nature, everything else. Buckle up.


#anarchist #socialist #socialism #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #anticap #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #woke #freedom #humanity #science #nature #corporatocracy #anticorporatocracy #smashthestate #nogodsnomasters #anticorporate #fedi22 #fuckcorporations #theft #timetheft

Last updated 1 year ago

Morax · @morax
292 followers · 850 posts · Server satanodon.com

When someone tells you that you need god but aren't specific enough

#satanism #pagen #nogodsnomasters

Last updated 1 year ago

That Deaf Guy · @ItsThatDeafGuy
187 followers · 1397 posts · Server beige.party
A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
735 followers · 1474 posts · Server todon.eu

May 5, 2023
Matt Ford

Laugh All You Want at King Charles, But He Will Wield Very Real Power

Many dismiss the royals as an arcane sideshow built to manufacture tabloid fodder, but the monarchy is more than it seems.


#nogodsnomasters #abolishallmonarchies #notmyking

Last updated 2 years ago

A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
734 followers · 1473 posts · Server todon.eu

May 6, 2023
Jason Linkins

King Charles Should Abolish Himself

The best thing the newly-minted monarch could do is bring an end to the monarchy.


#nogodsnomasters #abolishallmonarchies #notmyking

Last updated 2 years ago

karman · @rkarman
38 followers · 145 posts · Server mastodon.world

With what's occupying most of today's news-cycle, I thought it was time to remind everyone to go watch some Monty Python. 😉


#monarchy #royalism #anarchosyndicalistcommune #montypython #nogodsnomasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Elisabeth Anderson :bt: · @velobetty
1621 followers · 2015 posts · Server toot.bike

I don't have a photo today because my area isn't polling but here's one of my dog from a few years ago. 😉

#dogsatpollingstations #smashthesystem #nogodsnomasters

Last updated 2 years ago