RT @ziegenwelt: @Wir_sind_bunt #WirSindBunt #Solidarität #NoHate #WirSindMehr #NoAfd
#AfDistkeineAlternative #AfDmachtDumm https://t.co/33IDf2JWq0
#wirsindbunt #solidaritat #nohate #wirsindmehr #noafd #afdistkeinealternative #afdmachtdumm
“The article analyzed data from the General Social Survey (GSS) on Canadians’ Safety, which showed that in 2019, 29 per cent of Chinese people in Canada said they ‘experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in their daily lives’ at some point during the preceding five years.”
#cdnpoli #racism #nohate
Kein Vergeben, kein Vergessen!
Deshalb am Samstag, den 02.09. auf die Straße in Chemnitz. 🌈✊️🚩
#NoHate #WirSindBunt #NoAfd #WirSindMehr https://t.co/4qSo7mBsfw
#nohate #wirsindbunt #noafd #wirsindmehr
3/ Lasst uns gemeinsam die Macht des Internets nutzen, um Stereotypen zu bekämpfen, Inklusion zu fördern und Gespräche anzustoßen.
Tritt unserer Community auf Discord bei:🤝💪
Mach jetzt mit! 💻🌍 #StandUpAgainstRacism #NoHate #JinJiyanAzadî #NoAfd
#standupagainstracism #nohate #jinjiyanazadi #noafd
Klickt auf den Link, um mehr zu erfahren und euch zu engagieren!
#WirSindBunt 🌈 #WirSindMehr #NoHate #Kinderarmut #Kindergrundsicherung #gaming #RussiaIsATerroistState #NoAfd #StandUpAgainstRacism #AfaActivism #InclusionMatters #Bundesliga #Fussball
#wirsindbunt #wirsindmehr #nohate #kinderarmut #kindergrundsicherung #gaming #russiaisaterroiststate #noafd #standupagainstracism #afaactivism #inclusionmatters #bundesliga #fussball
The gathering, being organised by Sarv Hindu Samaj, a community group, will discuss resuming the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) procession, called the 'Brajmandal Dharmik Yatra', on August 28.
#NoHate #Haryana #HinduOutfit #Meet
#nohate #haryana #hinduoutfit #meet
Heute ist #InternationalYouthDay, an dem die Vereinten Nationen auf die Interessen junger Menschen und deren politische Beteiligung aufmerksam macht. Hass im Netz darf nicht dazu führen, dass sie sich weniger an Diskussionen beteiligen.
#internationalyouthday #dukannstetwastun #tagderjugend #nohate
Get details and register for this one-hour web panel from 24HourNation: https://24hournation.com/webinars/out-after-dark/
#LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Drag #Trans #Transgender #Nightlife #NighttimeEconomy #PoliticalClimate #America #NoHate #DragPanic
#dragpanic #nohate #america #politicalclimate #nighttimeeconomy #nightlife #Transgender #Trans #drag #LGBTQIA #lgbtq #LGBT
August 4, 2023. Good morning, and Happy Friday! Hoping everyone has a wonderful day - meaningless hate and anger in the news, remember, we're all in this together. The sooner we stop quibbling over stupid shit and start paying attention to real issues, the better. ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #nohate #peace #love #canada
July 20, 2023. Good Morning! I'm grateful for this life, some days are better than others, but I have good friends, and have a community of people who matter to me deeply. Breaks my heart seeing communities and countries torn apart by hate while the world burns. Take care. ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #nohate #peace #love #canada
I'm appalled that this university event would invite a white nationalist like Nick Fuentes to be the headliner! This is an affront to our values and completely unacceptable. #NoHate #NoBigotry #FreedomOfSpeech #RespectForAll #StandForJustice https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7kxk5x/gop-groups-claim-they-were-tricked-into-supporting-extremist-event
#nohate #nobigotry #freedomofspeech #respectforall #standforjustice
July 11, 2023. Good morning! Why are conservatives posing for photos with people spreading hate? Because hate is a disease they're terminally infected with. Hate will hurt everyone on this planet eventually, it's about you too, even if you're not today's target. Stay safe. ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #nohate #peace #love #canada
Wie rassistisch sind wir geprägt, wie verhalten wir uns gegenüber Migrant*innen und warum verhalten wir uns so?
Eine Reflexion unserer eigen internalisierten Alltagsrassismus.
Schmerzhaft, Anstrengend und wichtig für uns alle.
#rassismus #padagogik #bildung #erziehung #kita #schule #stopracism #nohate #NoToRacism
July 5, 2023. Where has the year gone? More than 1/2 way through and we're still being inundated with bullshit, people are still falling for lies. If someone is telling you who to blame for your problems, DON'T VOTE FOR THEM, THAT'S HATE MONGERING, AND LIES. Take care! ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #nohate #peace #love #canada
#Höflichkeit und #Takt tragen den Keim der #Lüge und gehören daher nicht in ein schmalbandiges #Kommunikationssystem ohne vieldimensionale #Validierungsfunktionen.
#faschismus #usandthem #denke #fediverse #andersdenkende #rassismus #gemeinsamgegenrassismus #nohate #propaganda #hass #twitter
#twitter #hass #propaganda #nohate #gemeinsamgegenrassismus #rassismus #andersdenkende #fediverse #denke #usandthem #faschismus #validierungsfunktionen #kommunikationssystem #luge #takt #hoflichkeit
Auch der auf Rasse basierte #Faschismus arbeitet nach der #UsAndThem-Logik.
Ich lehne diese #Denke für das #Fediverse entschieden ab und streite mich daher leidenschaftlich gerne mit #Andersdenkende|n wenn Niveau und begriffliche Präzision stimmen.
#rassismus #gemeinsamgegenrassismus #nohate #propaganda #hass #fediverse #twitter
#twitter #hass #propaganda #nohate #gemeinsamgegenrassismus #rassismus #andersdenkende #fediverse #denke #usandthem #faschismus
Ethnicity vs. Epidermis (Part 1 of 5)
Affirmative Action headlines are sparking vitriolic comments about #racism and #society. Many are rife with #bias and spite. If you're not a fan of that approach, I hope this helps.
#racism #society #bias #nohate #peace #love #think #equality
June 23, 2023. Good Morning! So this is 51, eh? Always thought getting older would be the big source of discomfort, bit it's climate change, hate, and a pandemic making life uncomfortable - thankful for fresh air and the good people in my life. I hope you have a great day! ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #nohate #climatebrawl #peace #love #canada
June 22, 2023. Good Morning! Today is my last day of being 50. Over the course of my life, I've seen attitudes improve, people accepting differences. Shocking how badly it's reverted over the last little while, with hate gaining traction, it's a bad trend.
It's going to have to end - quite frankly, between science denial, pointless hate, and the vile turn the right side has taken, spreading anger, lies? We, as a species, can't survive much longer if we continue to tolerate, encourage this. Stay safe out there, you are loved. ☮️❤️🍁
#GoodMorning #nohate #peace #love #canada