Aufklären statt verschleiern:
#nohijabday #feminismus #Fortschritt #fraulebenfreiheit
#nohijabday #feminismus #Fortschritt #fraulebenfreiheit
RT @YasMohammedxx
So many of us see ourselves in this little girl. Frustrated and angry at being wrapped up like a corpse. We want to breathe. We want to live.
#nohijabday #freefromhijab #womanlifefreedom
News zur #IranRevolution2023 zum oder aus dem #Iran 🇮🇷
"So viele von uns sehen sich in diesem kleinen Mädchen. Frustriert und wütend darüber, wie eine Leiche eingewickelt zu sein. Wir wollen atmen. Wir wollen leben.
#iranrevolution2023 #iran #nohijabday #freefromhijab #womanlifefreedom
@69procentJenny RT by @badiucao: Rise with the Women of Iran! #WomensRevolution #Iran Today #1Feb on the #GlobalRiotDay challenging #WorldHijabDay #FEMEN #NoHijabDay #BodyRiot #WomanLifeFreedom #FreeIran
#womensrevolution #iran #1feb #globalriotday #worldhijabday #femen #nohijabday #bodyriot #womanlifefreedom #freeiran
RT @YasMohammedxx
So many of us see ourselves in this little girl. Frustrated and angry at being wrapped up like a corpse. We want to breathe. We want to live.
#womanlifefreedom #freefromhijab #nohijabday
Per il “No Hijab Day” diverse organizzazioni aderiscono al Global Body Riot per sostenere le proteste contro il regime islamista in Iran e l'autodeterminazione delle donne.
One Law for All, FEMEN e Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) hanno manifestato a Londra e diffuso un comunicato. 👇
#NoHijabDay #BodyRiot
Oggi preferiamo ricordare il "No Hijab Day", giornata internazionale nata per contrastare le discriminazioni nei confronti delle donne che vogliono emanciparsi dall'integralismo islamico. Un modo per rivendicare davvero la libertà di scelta, dalla parte delle tantissime persone che nel mondo lottano contro certe imposizioni religiose, sociali e culturali. Una alternativa laica al "World Hijab Day", che promuove in maniera orwelliana il velo quale simbolo di libertà e inclusività.
Hijab is rape culture.
Hijab promoted the idea that women are "free" to be taken if they don't cover up.
That young girls are objects to be preyed on if they don't cover up.
This is in Iran, but the mindset is propagated all around the world.
#NoHijabDay 1st Feb
I’ve been #FreeFromHijab for the past 16 years of my life and guess what?
I’m abso-f-lutely loving it.
#NoHijabDay is coming up on February 1st. Remember to make a lot of noise!!! Tweet your pictures with your hair flowing freely! 💗
« Célébrer le #WorldHijabDay, c’est célébrer la sexualisation des femmes » Interview de
Rahaf Mohammed, saoudienne en fuite, par Inna Shevchenko #CharlieHebdo
#nohijabday #charliehebdo #worldhijabday
Hijab is the flag of Islamism, and symbol of violence against women. By the use of Hijab, millions of people, mostly people who live in Middle East, and north of Africa, are suppressed by the Islamists.
ACAB ! ils prennent bien soin de ces personnes pourquoi ? ou sont les menottes et les lbd #honteux
« Oui bonjour madame de l’extrême droite mes hommages je vous invite à nous suivre tranquillement pour procéder à une mise en sécurité appelée interpellation vous ne subirez ni contrainte ni violence »
#ViolencesPolicières #NoHijabDay
#nohijabday #violencespolicières #honteux
I can hear the roar of women' silence: Thomas Sankara!
Yesterday was Hijab Day and today is #NoHijabDay, trending on Social Media!
It is important, only when all working women become part of the proletarian class struggle to demolish the base of all exploitation, oppression, discriminations! #ShaheenBaghProtests
#nohijabday #ShaheenBaghProtests
Salute women challenging discriminatory citizenship act! #ShaheenBaghs #NoHijabDay
Every year, 1 February marks World Hijab Day and recognises millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and “live a life of modesty”. Running parallel alongside this initiative is 'No Hijab Day' on 2 February!
#NoHijabDay is trending on Social Media! It's fine but don't make it part of Islamophobia! Look at the charlatans, basically men, who are dressed in most comical & laughable dress!
End of unemployment to superstition, end of gender discrimination to exploitation of man by man will only terminate in Socialism!
Wonder who started this #NoHijabDay? How about other forms of fase mask, which women are forced to use? How about gender discrimination, prevailing world over?
Women are not limited to their sexuality we do not need to be covered up to be empowered or ‘dignified’. #WorldHijabDay isn’t taking into account the millions forced to wear the #hijab and the #oppression it causes across the. Muslim world. #FreeFromHijab #NoHijabDay 💃🏻
#worldhijabday #hijab #oppression #freefromhijab #nohijabday
I am supporting wholeheartedly #NoHijabDay. And you should too. حجاب #hijab