@strypey Human Rights is the one doctrine, a prime directive, if you will, that by definition does not pit one party against another in a power struggle. Equal rights for all!
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #ratifyicescr
I couldn’t agree more! I’m thoroughly disgusted by both branches of the american duopoly of aristocratic-ochlocracy.
You might appreciate some of the posts that I’ve made in #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica - in particular there is a yard-sign design that needs to take off in a grassroots way.
If all of us reasonable, non-extremophiles can band together into a new majority third-party, we’ll be able to clamp down on the civil war mongers.
@SwingTXLeft “voting doesn’t matter” <- that is just calling out a symptom, not the cause of the failure of democracy. the cause is not having a proper Human Rights implementation.
#NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #humanrights
“Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,”
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #humanrights
@msquebanh > “We’re angry as hell & we’re not being quiet about it anymore”
“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more!”: #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #NoHumanRightsNoCountry
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #nohumanrightsnocountry
Let’s keep the trend going and shrink the military budget some more so that we can actually meet our domestic human rights needs.
#NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #militarybudget2024 #radicalmoderate
“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services…”
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024 #radicalmoderate
> [Tarrio threatened] “No Trump…No peace. No Quarter."
How about #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica and #NoQuarterForOchlocracy
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #noquarterforochlocracy
@eamon @xenophora @SallyStrange for those of us that feel the same about DEM as we feel about GOP: #radicalmoderate #NoHumanRightsNoAmerica #militarybudget2024
#radicalmoderate #nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024
@walterdunham @maddad @TonyStark In return, I would ask you to “sit down and think hard for a minute” about this question:
What do you think the approx. 33% of America that doesn’t vote would vote for if “No Confidence” or “Abstain” were a ballot option?
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate
@resipiscent Perhaps I did not entirely catch your drift, no.
Now I may have a better understanding of your drift. To which I would reply:
> “the hard work of teaching, feeding, healing, cheering.”
There is plenty of space within the box of a microblog to do that hard work, without being detached or facile.
#NoHumanRightsNoAmerica is a similar call to solidarity for the broader, encompassing goals of Human Rights, as defined by the foundational document of the #UNUDHR
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #unudhr
@bike @timgatewood @Radical_EgoCom I hear ya. Petition your congresspeople to have the UN rewrite it as “humankind” instead of “mankind” and “its” instead of “his”, etc.
Microsoft replaced the word “master” in their GitHub technology with the word “main”, so it’s certainly doable, but it will take massive, massive work.
If you throw out the baby with the bathwater, though, you’ll have lost the founding document of Human Rights
@walterdunham @maddad @TonyStark the Democrats lost my vote when they blocked Lawrence Lessig from the Presidential Debates, the Republicans lost my vote when they failed to uphold Human Rights, so tell me again how my vote matters?
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate
@walterdunham @maddad @TonyStark
How’s about giving us something to actually vote for besides war and the disregard of our inalienable Human Rights?
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate #militarybudget2024
@AvvieLanche @cautionarytale > “"Voting" is what got us here.”
No, this is what has gotten us here:
“Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind…”
Read it, learn it, teach it.
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate
@bike @timgatewood @Radical_EgoCom Article 2: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status…”
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #radicalmoderate
@AvvieLanche @cautionarytale > “Enough with the words. Pick up a gun and organize. "Voting" is what got us here.”
If the day comes that the government gives me a standard issue sidearm for the defense of the republic, I’ll be one of the first to take up arms and coldly apply my pre-existing firearms competence. Don’t worry about that.
Until that day, worry yourself with promoting human rights.
#nohumanrightsnoamerica #militarybudget2024 #radicalmoderate
@cautionarytale @AvvieLanche this is the way:
“Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,”
@AvvieLanche @cra1g hate to break it to you, but as a #radicalmoderate i must inform you that
“Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,”
#radicalmoderate #nohumanrightsnoamerica #cancelculture #dignity #hate