This whole article is well worth reading. In essence, the fear of prosecuting a president/leaders of our government has resulted in moral atrocities going unpunished and encouraging the next round of moral atrocities. Impunity is a powerful lure, especially to Republicans apparently. Nixon's GOP election team convinced South Vietnam not to sign a peace treaty before the election, just so that Nixon could win, the war could go on for 6 more years and 20,000 more Americans could die. Johnson knew that Nixon had committed treason and yet "for the good of the country" chose to sweep it under the rug rather than bring him to justice. And then for the same stupid reasons, and to protect the GOP, Ford pardoned Nixon before he could be prosecuted for the travesty of Watergate!

That led to Reagan's GOP election team working out a deal with Iranians to hold onto the hostages until after the election so that Reagan could defeat Carter. Then Reagan's administration, you remember Oliver North-nutjob, and the Iran-contra affair, arranged to illegally sell weapons to Iran so they could illegally funnel the proceeds to the contras. Again, rather than prosecuting them, the prevailing wisdom was America couldn't handle such a scandal, so most of it was swept under the rug and impunity reigned again.

All of this then led to Bush lying us into a needless war in Iraq, with hundreds of thousands dead and yet no punishment for any of the people who orchestrated that atrocity! How could we be surprised that Trump would attempt to steal the election, after all, no one ever gets punished for these crimes if they are president. Needless to say, it is way past time for an end to impunity and a boatload of justice and punishment!

I've Been Waiting For This For 55 Years

"Donald Trump has been indicted. My new hero, the courageous D.A., Alvin Bragg, has ignored all the fatuous blather about “whether this is good for the country” or whether “it might boost Trump.” What happened is that an amoral, psychopathic scumbag and career criminal broke the law, and now he’ll be held accountable. If convicted, he’ll have to pay, just like we would.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for 55 years, since 1968. That was the year that Richard Nixon won the presidency by committing treason... Check out the full article at link...

#gopislawless #goplovespower #gophatesdemocracy #noimpunity #ProsecuteTrump #prosecutegoptraitors

Last updated 1 year ago

John Q. Public · @thepublic
11 followers · 105 posts · Server

Dražen Erdemović's case shows that the international community takes war crimes seriously


Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Martin-Nielsen · @rmartinnielsen
184 followers · 460 posts · Server

From the today: The report of the OPCW Investigation and Identification Team (IIT) concludes that there are reasonable grounds to identify the Syrian Arab Air Forces as the perpetrators of the 2018 chemical weapons attack.

#opcw #douma #chemicalweapons #noimpunity #syria

Last updated 2 years ago

Nothing2Hide · @nothing2hide
811 followers · 1856 posts · Server


Insane: three of the cops who were dismissed after framing for drug trafficking claim their jobs back!

Any news about the investigation against them and the corrupt FSB officers who ordered the operation, !


#gijc19 #noimpunity #ivangolunov

Last updated 5 years ago