Ready to get rid of #budgeting and annual planning?
Ready to get rid of fixed #targets, target negotiations and coercion?
Ready to get rid of obnoxious #performancemanagement systems?
Ready to get rid of nonsensical #reporting?
Ready to get rid of #incentives and bonus systems?
Ready to relinquish trampling on people's #motivation?
Ready to drive out desperation, learned helplessness and fear?
Then #RelativeTargets is for you. Best of all: It works
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#budgeting #targets #performancemanagement #reporting #incentives #motivation #relativetargets #betacodex #noplanning #newpay #performance #agile #Lean #scrum #teal #okrs #nookrs #nombo #noincentives #workthesystem #beyondbudgeting #agiletransformation
On performance and targets
#betacodex #relativetargets #incentives #newpay #newwork #leadership @silkehermann #systemsthinking #agile #lean #teal #scrum #orgdev #workthesystem #noincentives
#betacodex #relativetargets #incentives #newpay #newwork #leadership #systemsthinking #agile #lean #teal #scrum #orgdev #workthesystem #noincentives
Bonus systems are toxic things. All of them. Incentive and bonus systems belong on the garbage heap of history. Here is why.
#betacodex #leadership #newpay #noincentives #newwork #futureofleadership #workthesystem #RelativeTargets #agile #agility #lean #scrum #teal #beyondbudgeting #qrm.
#betacodex #leadership #newpay #noincentives #newwork #futureofleadership #workthesystem #relativetargets #agile #agility #lean #scrum #teal #beyondbudgeting #qrm
Bonus systems belong on the garbage heap of history.
#nobonuses #noincentives #betacodex
#nobonuses #noincentives #betacodex
One of our heroes, Alfie Kohn, is now on Mastodon, too.
#betacodex #kohn #education #motivation #noincentives
#betacodex #kohn #education #motivation #noincentives
@mlevison @BetaCodex @AgileBob
I just updated this paper, which is highly relevant for the topic of pay without bonuses and incentives! #betacodex #noincentives
@mlevison @AgileBob
Well, we have been talking about that for 2 decades. And the great Alfie Kohn, for example, even longer.
Here is an article by @nielspflaeging about the matter:
#betacodex #relativetargets #noincentives #agile #agility #orghygiene
#betacodex #relativetargets #noincentives #agile #agility #orghygiene
Sign up to my #InfoHour next week on #RelativeTargets - and learn about #performance systems without target-setting, without obnoxious KPIs, without fixed targets, without plan-actuals variances, without incentives that suck!
Sign up here:
An article about #RelativeTargets:
#betacodex #workthesystem #red42 @silkehermann #nookrs #noincentives #noplanning #beyondbudgeting #
#infohour #relativetargets #performance #betacodex #workthesystem #red42 #nookrs #noincentives #noplanning #beyondbudgeting
Complex stuff cannot be measured and calculated, but must be judged by people with ideas & mastery - taking the risk of erring into account!
This is why the old adage "What gets measured gets done" is flawed. The truth is: Most of what gets measured in command-and-control organizations gets cheated upon.
Be careful about what you measure & how you measure it:
#betacodex #workthesystem #nookrs #nobonuses #noincentives #performancemanagement #leadership #newwork
#betacodex #workthesystem #nookrs #nobonuses #noincentives #performancemanagement #leadership #newwork