Swift · @swift
0 followers · 1 posts · Server sunny.garden
Eric the Cerise · @ErictheCerise
267 followers · 1570 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Long-ish, I know. Please read and boost, anyway.

I asked the 'Verse a couple times, and no one ever responded, so I researched it myself.

, , , etc ... these do **NOTHING** to prevent these things from happening, except in a "common courtesy" voluntary way ... and with some instances, manually enforced by proactive and .

**On the contrary**, the self-serving, data-thieving types that are inclined to write personal-data-scraping bots, are literally *more likely* to target folks with those tags in their bios, based on the reasoning that your personal data may be extra-valuable to steal.

Case in point ... there is a @yesbot@seal.cafe bot written (ironically, by some anonymous human) that explicitly searches for bios with the tag, just to tell people that it thinks (meaning, of course, the anonymous human that wrote it thinks) it is rude to use the tag, and that they should quit it.

@Gargron and other s ... please consider adding software-based enforcement of these kinds of tags.

Everyone else, keep using 'em, s, please require honoring these tags as a rule of your instances.

And everyone, consider blocking the @yesbot@seal.cafe (perhaps the instance it lives on, since the admin there has said they will do nothing about that bot), as well as any other "rude bots" that people identify.

#nobot #nosearch #noindex #fediadmins #moderators #mastodev #mastoadmin

Last updated 1 year ago

ICYMI - Urbanists🤖 · @ICYMI_urban
41 followers · 1 posts · Server urbanists.social

👨Going live with the bot now.
I will (skipping over minor algorithm details):
1). Read in the last 48 or so hours of toots from people I follow.
2). Boost the toot that has the highest favourite+boost count. Provided that the person doesn't have or in their profile, and I haven't recently boosted one of their toots.
3). Chill out for a while.

#nobots #noindex

Last updated 1 year ago

Jérôme · @jerome
84 followers · 617 posts · Server jasette.facil.services

@dt merci! Petite suggestion de respecter ceux qui ont mis et dans leur profile

#noindex #nosearch

Last updated 1 year ago

Ozark Blue Man 🏳️‍🌈 · @BlueMan479
98 followers · 204 posts · Server mas.to

So... I've seen a number of people with , , and in their profiles. I have a vague idea of what those might do, but do they actually work, and which are worth adding? I've been unable to locate any documentation that answers these questions to my satisfaction.

#mastodonhelp #nobot #nosearch #noindex

Last updated 1 year ago

And of course he’s got and on his profile. 🤨

@mentallyalex @DemocracySpot @the_etrain

#noindex #nosearch

Last updated 1 year ago

· @casey
969 followers · 127186 posts · Server friend.camp

if a bot is going to scrap you without your consent, why would it respect

#noai #noarchive #nobots #nosearch #noindex

Last updated 1 year ago

a very weeny construct · @pho4cexa
527 followers · 9579 posts · Server tiny.tilde.website

don't put or in your profile

bots should neither interact nor scrape without opt-in consent

#nobot #noindex

Last updated 1 year ago

shrimp eating mammal 🦐 · @walruslifestyle
384 followers · 9308 posts · Server octodon.social


This isn’t tracking users. This is logging publicly available info & presenting in a way that it currently isn’t presented.

is the gist of the surveillance capitalism mindset, and is not wanted by many people. I'm beginning to see that you just don't understand that. You seem to have been mind poisoned.

People put things like in their bios to express that though their posts are visible on the internet, they expressly do not want those posts to be aggregated by external software products.

If your thought process is "oh well, once someone puts something 'out there', I'm free to do whatever I want with it", then you have been mind poisoned. You are not free to do what you want with it, if the people putting the stuff out there literally say "do not do anything but read this". If you feel you are entitled to do more than that, then you are.....acting entitled. Which, in my world, means you're an asshole.

Please don't say "but but but the API allows...." because (a) the guy who "runs" Mastodon development is a Twitter-wannabe who a bunch of people call "web site boy" in part because he's emotionally a child; and (b) just because a thing can be done doesn't mean it should, especially over the objections of the people you're doing it to. and are objections to what you're doing, regardless of where the post lives or what API you use to retrieve it.

Please don't be an asshole. Re-think your stance. Spit out the Google Kool-aid and re-join humanity.

#noindex #nobot

Last updated 2 years ago

shrimp eating mammal 🦐 · @walruslifestyle
384 followers · 9300 posts · Server octodon.social

@kevinctofel I sure hope you're respecting and tags, and are aware that quite a few people on Mastodon don't want their toots scraped by automated software.

#nobot #noindex

Last updated 2 years ago

FinchHaven · @FinchHaven
126 followers · 7019 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org


"I don't want my Mastodon/Fediverse account to show up in these search results, what should I do?

You have these following options:

Place one of the following words in the "Bio" of your account: nosearch, , noindex, "

So your search engine requires explicit action on the part of individuals to be excluded

How many people are going to find and read these instructions once you're underway and have faded into the background?

Your default then is "find everyone"

#nosearch #noindex

Last updated 2 years ago

Philipp Steinkrüger · @philippsteinkrueger
742 followers · 1310 posts · Server zirk.us

Hi @jaranta, yes I made it follow you when I saw that you were posting about philosophy. If you have or in your bio or in any post it will ignore you/them. Of course I'm also happy to unfollow you manually. Otherwise it basically looks at its home timeline and boosts posts that have been boosted/starred/replied to more than others (see pinned docu links for details). People following the bot can in this way discover other philosophers on here. Nothing is saved or made searchable.

#nobot #noindex

Last updated 2 years ago

paul 🇬🇧 · @amiserabilist
794 followers · 4828 posts · Server med-mastodon.com
Matthias Bürcher · @buercher
493 followers · 1901 posts · Server tooting.ch

@rasterweb @atomicpoet I could think to respect a tag, the implementation would be trivial, but wouldn't this spam the post text? Wouldn't it be easier just to limit the scope of the post (not making it public)?


Last updated 2 years ago

Pete Prodoehl 🍕 · @rasterweb
1678 followers · 4534 posts · Server mastodon.social

Okay, so is an opt-in search for Mastodon. I've opted in.

➡️ tootfinder.ch/

I wonder if there's a way to opt-out on a per-post basis. Perhaps a hashtag or something could work?

That would allow people to have their posts indexed, but choose *not* to allow specific posts to be indexed. Thoughts?

@buercher @fediversenews @atomicpoet

#tootfinder #noindex #mastodon #fediverse #search

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Gibson · @stuart
114 followers · 157 posts · Server sozial.cyberpunk.gmbh

@patrikcsak well, this is a bad take. Just swan in and start scraping and surfacing information with no permission, no opt-in, completely ignoring and ?

GDPR? What’s that?

You need to shut this down. Immediately. It is monumentally inappropriate.

#noindex #nobot

Last updated 2 years ago

SΤΣΡHΔΠ · @backlogmann
12 followers · 263 posts · Server mastodon.social

Da wird gleich schon von den Verlagen nach Geld geschrien, bevor es überhaupt eine für die breite Masse verfügbare Suche mit Chatbot Integration gibt. So kann man auch jegliche Innovation im Keim ersticken. 🤦‍♂️

Wie wäre es denn, wenn Ihr einfach eure News nicht ins Netz stellt, wenn Ihr nicht wollt das die von irgendeiner Maschine gelesen und ggf. verarbeitet werden. Meta Robots noindex und gut. 🤪


#verlage #tipp #bookmark #fueraufmklo #meinung #metarobots #noindex

Last updated 2 years ago

Nyaa · @LibreNyaa
248 followers · 1563 posts · Server social.linux.pizza

@atomicpoet Just searched a post I made yesterday on there and it showed up.

I have all of the available common flags for opting out of indexes on my accounts (, , , in bio, and account marked to not be indexed in settings)

Seems like it ignores all of them, and the only opt out they offer is a link to the post privacy section of the Mastodon docs.

Public posts are public, and should be expected to be permanent, but still seems condescending.

#nosearch #noindex #nobot #noarchive

Last updated 2 years ago

FeralRobots · @FeralRobots
123 followers · 2267 posts · Server mastodon.social

This is just how we name these sorts of things now.

Paste a mastodon url that begins a thread here and we'll roll it into something presentable
Respects noindex (Mastodon user preference), , , tags in bio.

I intend for this to be a tool to share toots in a way that's presentable to a wider audience outside of Mastodon and that's it. 100% tracker free. Every toot is linked back to its source....

#noindex #nobot #noarchive

Last updated 2 years ago

katzenberger · @katzenberger
171 followers · 1166 posts · Server social.tchncs.de


Does it respect any hashtag in a bio like / / ?


#noarchive #noindex #nobot

Last updated 2 years ago