Doppellhelix · @Doppellhelix
55 followers · 986 posts · Server

Brauche eure Hilfe.
Ich betreibe einen kleinen Heimserver.
- in eingerichtet✅
- bei ( eingerichtet und erfolgr. mit der FB verbunden✅

-> Komme ohne Probleme auf den Server.

Nun habe ich aktiviert.

-Portweiterleitung in der FB auf ipv4 + Ipv6 erweitert
-bei noip auf AAAA umgestellt,
-Dyndns erfolgr mit der FB verbunden.

Zugriff aus dem Internet ✅
Zugriff aus dem eigenen (W)LAN ❌

Was mache ich falsch?

#Portweiterleitung #fritzbox #dyndns #noip #ipv6

Last updated 1 year ago

Krafty :arch: :neovim: :git: · @tkk13909
66 followers · 2114 posts · Server

I'm currently running an and server on an old computer in my house and using to point a url to my IP address.

For ssh, I have disabled password verification and only use keys. Aside from this, are there any other things I should do to protect against attacks?

#ssh #nextcloud #noip

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr Hitchcock · @drh
122 followers · 228 posts · Server

So I'm trying to save some money and a whole bunch of stuff that I have on various servers. I started down the route but some peeps have been said that it's not super sustainable long term. The bare minimal is to host a podcast, an / radio server, around 3 sites and various static sites; a instance would be sweet too.

I have a well spec'ed PC, a Fritzbox 4790 router and an connection to the house. The machine will more than cope, I seem to be having intermittent issues with ports 80 and 443 forwarding to the machine but that's probably a issue. I'm using to bind my dynamic IP to a base domain but I may switch to a static IP.

Any tips or advice? Is there a solution that is low-ish maintenance or am I dreaming? I do have reasonable skills.

#devops #noip #fritzbox #fibre #nbn #mastodon #wordpress #libretime #airtime #yunohost #selfhost

Last updated 2 years ago

tadc47 ✨ · @tadc47
6 followers · 62 posts · Server

Bonjour, j'ai un dyndns de noip qui pointe chez moi sur un pc avec debian et nextcloud, et j'aimerais tester un serveur gemini sur ce même pc. J'ai une red box nb6 et chaque fois que je pointe vers mon index.gmi le navigateur GemiNaut m'insulte avec un "connexion refusée par l'ordi distant". J'ai bien ouvert le port 1965 dans la box et dans le firewall debian... what else ?

#gemini #agate #debian #dyndns #noip

Last updated 2 years ago

has nothing to do with creativity, incentive, just desserts, fruits of labour or any other element of the moral, free market.
It is a creature of the State, the Vampire’s little bat. And, as far as I’m concerned, the word should be copywrong.

~Samuel Edward Konkin III (1986)

#copyright #sek3 #anarchism #agorism #cryptoanarchy #countereconomics #copywrong #noip #abolishIP #copyleft #opensource #freeinformation #RightToRepair #sharing

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniele Verducci · @penguin86
177 followers · 651 posts · Server

ho la mail su e ci ho redirezionato tutte le mail provenienti dal mio vecchio indirizzo . Infomaniak deciso autonomamente che le mail di rinnovo di .com sono (550 5.2.0 Spam message rejected). Come diavolo faccio a dirgli che non è spam?

#spam #noip #gmail #infomaniak #mastoaiuto

Last updated 3 years ago