On June 25, 1951, Lightning Strikes Twice debuted in Sweden. Here’s some Richard Todd and Ruth Roman fan art!
#LightningStrikesTwice #KingVidor #RuthRoman #RichardTodd #FilmNoir #50sNoir #NoirFilm #NoirThriller #CrimeFilm #NoirAlley #DramaFilm #CrimeDrama #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory #NoirAlley #SaveTCM
#lightningstrikestwice #kingvidor #ruthroman #richardtodd #filmnoir #50snoir #noirfilm #noirthriller #crimefilm #NoirAlley #dramafilm #crimedrama #art #movieart #moviehistory #savetcm
On June 25, 1951, Lightning Strikes Twice debuted in Sweden. Here’s some Richard Todd and Ruth Roman fan art!
#LightningStrikesTwice #KingVidor #RuthRoman #RichardTodd #FilmNoir #50sNoir #NoirFilm #NoirThriller #CrimeFilm #NoirAlley #DramaFilm #CrimeDrama #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory #NoirAlley #SaveTCM
#lightningstrikestwice #kingvidor #ruthroman #richardtodd #filmnoir #50snoir #noirfilm #noirthriller #crimefilm #NoirAlley #dramafilm #crimedrama #art #movieart #moviehistory #savetcm
On May 30, 2004, Dial M for Murder was released on DVD in Brazil. Here’s some original Grace Kelly art to mark the occasion!
#DialMForMurder #AlfredHitchcock #GraceKelly #Thriller #CrimeThriller #FilmNoir #NoirThriller #50sNoir #PenDrawing #BlackAndWhiteArt #HorrorArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dialmformurder #alfredhitchcock #gracekelly #thriller #crimethriller #filmnoir #noirthriller #50snoir #pendrawing #blackandwhiteart #horrorart #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 20, 1955 Dial M for Murder debuted in Australia. Here’s some original Grace Kelly art to mark the occasion!
#DialMForMurder #AlfredHitchcock #GraceKelly #Thriller #CrimeThriller #FilmNoir #NoirThriller #50sNoir #PenDrawing #BlackAndWhiteArt #HorrorArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dialmformurder #alfredhitchcock #gracekelly #thriller #crimethriller #filmnoir #noirthriller #50snoir #pendrawing #blackandwhiteart #horrorart #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 12, 1951, Lightning Strikes Twice debuted in New York City. Here’s some Richard Todd and Ruth Roman fan art!
#LightningStrikesTwice #KingVidor #RuthRoman #RichardTodd #FilmNoir #50sNoir #NoirFilm #NoirThriller #CrimeFilm #NoirAlley #DramaFilm #CrimeDrama #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#lightningstrikestwice #kingvidor #ruthroman #richardtodd #filmnoir #50snoir #noirfilm #noirthriller #crimefilm #NoirAlley #dramafilm #crimedrama #art #movieart #moviehistory
I drew this new Post-It Note portrait of Ruth Roman and Richard Todd in celebration of this Noir Alley presentation of Lightning Strikes Twice!
#TCMParty #NoirAlley #NoirInky #LightningStrikesTwice #RuthRoman #RichardTodd #FilmNoir #50sNoir #Art #NewArt #CrimeThriller #Movies #MovieArt #Drawing #NoirThriller
#lightningstrikestwice #ruthroman #richardtodd #filmnoir #50snoir #art #newart #crimethriller #movies #movieart #drawing #noirthriller #TCMParty #NoirAlley #noirinky
Drew a new portrait of Burt Lancaster in celebration of this TCM presentation of Kiss the Blood Off My Hands! Also, going to be working on some new art during Clash of the Titans and Red Sonja after Noir Alley. Show starts at 1:45 AM EST!
#KissTheBloodOffMyHands #BurtLancaster #FilmNoir #NoirThriller #TCMParty #NoirAlley #NoirInky #FanArt #40sNoir #CrimeThriller #Movies #CineMastodon #ArtMastodon #Art
#kissthebloodoffmyhands #burtlancaster #filmnoir #noirthriller #TCMParty #NoirAlley #noirinky #FanArt #40snoir #crimethriller #movies #cinemastodon #artmastodon #art
On January 17, 1947 The Killers debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardner art!
#TheKillers #TheKillers1946 #BurtLancaster #AvaGardner #FilmNoir #40sNoir #NoirThriller #CrimeThriller #ThrillerFilm #ClassicFilm #Art #FanArt #Movies #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thekillers #thekillers1946 #burtlancaster #avagardner #filmnoir #40snoir #noirthriller #crimethriller #thrillerfilm #classicfilm #art #FanArt #movies #movieart #moviehistory