@Elegansen Oj maffigt! Jag ser annars fram emot #Noirvember då jag ska köpa en flaska whisky och se ett gäng gamla noirs.
Every November, I try to get in on #Noirvember and check out some film noir. Here's my experience with 1947's #RideThePinkHorse, starring (and directed by) Robert Montgomery.
From #Noirvember Stray Dog (1949 Japan) written and directed by Kurosawa. This film is beautiful. Kurosawa was the master of Mis en scene. https://tinyurl.com/55ndcac5 #Film #Movies #Cinema #TCMParty
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#Noirvember has been a very popular monthly theme. Even though it’s over I still think about it. Here is a trailer for the new film Marlowe. https://youtu.be/brVF7t8VYuM. #TCMParty
Panique (1946) by Julien Duvivier. A wonderfully crafted cinema with great performances from Michel Simon and Viviane Romance. An allegory for the underlying socio-political disturbance of France during WWII, this film is a masterclass in story telling. Particularly liked the foreshadowing in the carnival scene early on in the film. A great watch.
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The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) directed by Tay Garnett starring Lana Turner in her defining role as the femme fatale. I liked how this film is a #classicnoir as it explores the nuances of the genre. John Garfield's character arc has been amazing. The seemingly smart man at the beginning turning confused and degenerated by the end.
It's all about hearing the ring twice and deciding what to do about it, isn't it?
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Unlikely Angel (1996) it’s that time of year where we transition from #Noirvember to Christmas movies. Yay! So to kick it off I present this little Christmas-Noir. What the heck woman. How can you have a Christmas-Noir. Well it ain’t easy but Dolly Parton and Allison Mack (in jail for her role in the NXIVM cult) pulled it off. Parton is her usual cotton candy self and who doesn’t like Parton. Mack, however, plays a troubled teen that Parton is sent from heaven to help
(Family too). If you take into consideration Mack’s future real life femme fatale role, Parton really failed. I could not watch this movie and not think of the future of Mack. It’s kinda f’ed up and for me I couldn’t not think about it. Thus Christmas noir. In all seriousness Mack and the rest of the cult hurt a lot of people and I hope they find healing. Find this on Tubi or to rent in most streaming. Do I know my transitions or what. #Christmas #ChristmasMovies #HolidayFilms #Films #Movies #CineMastodon #Cinema
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Double Indemnity (1944) Lets finish up #Noirvember the way we started with the best Noir ever made. This film Was directed by Billy Wilder and stars Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck. MacMuurray and Stanwyck are divine as the sap and Femme Fatale. Some say that Peggy Cummins in Gun Crazy is the most fatal femme fatale but I'm torn between Cummins and Stanwyck in this film. Oh and the cherry on top is that it has the Bradley Building too. If you haven't yet go see it. I've only seen it on DVD or to rent on streaming. #Noir #NoirAlley #FilmNoir #Film #Movie #TCMParty
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OldBoy (2003 S. Korea) This Korean neo noir is not for the faint of heart. It will F you up. from writer/director Park Chan-Wook this film is part of his Vengeance Trilogy. Park has most recently done Decision to Leave which is on my list but I'm afraid. He really knows how to keep the twist to himself. You know something is coming but you can't quite put your finger on it. The fight choreography is iconic and has been recreated in such projects as Daredevil (Netflix). Park really knows his stuff especially Noir. And if you can handle really dark themes, this film is a must see. Find it on most streaming. #Noir #Neonoir #Noirvember #Filmnoir #Film #Movies
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Dark Mirror (1946) This noir stars Olivia DeHavillan and Olivia DeHavillan as twins, one good and one evil. Betcha didn't know that DeHavillan could play an evil character but she can. Cant say this is the best noir out there but its fun in a murderous sort of way and DeHavillan really pulls you in. She's a good actress. Find it free on YouTube. #Noirvember #Noir #NoirAlley #FilmNoir #film #Movies #TCMParty #Cinema #Cinemastodon
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Ghost Dog (1999) starring Forest Whitaker. The film sits on the edge of Neo Noir and some are calling it a Crime/Thriller. It had quite a few Neonoir shots that really sit with you. Unlike most neonoir it had some very quirky and humorous moments that could be seen as not neonoir but I think the dark story throws it back. Whitaker is awesome as a modern urban samurai complete with a code of conduct. For quite awhile I could not find this film except a used DVD. Thankfully its back. Its on Criterion, HBO and Amazon. Loved it. Go see it. #Noirvember #Noir #NoirAlley #FilmNoir #TCMParty #Film #Cine #Cinema #Film #Movie
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The Terminal (2018) This neo-noir stars Margot Robbie as the rather Psychotic Femme Fatale and Simon Pegg as the sap. This film is very stylized and comes across as a love letter to the genre complete with all of the tropes. The Terminal gets its high contrast with bright almost neon color and crushed blacks both in production design and camera/lighting. Cant say I'm a big fan of that model cuz nothing says noir like bright color. But here we are and that is now the trend. Robbie looks like she is having a great time playing this role (maybe too good). but her performance is a little like Harley Quinn. This is just such a visually stunning film I do recommend it. Find it to rent on most streaming. #Noirvember #NeoNoir #NoirAlley #Noir #FilmNoir #Film #FilmFan #TCMParty #Movie
#noirvember #neonoir #noiralley #noir #filmnoir #film #filmfan #tcmparty #movie
Gaslight (1944) starring Ingrid Bergman. This film is widely considered noir. I feel it runs closer to a phycological thriller but it is still in the ballpark of noir. Miriam-Webster made Gaslighting the word of the year. For those that don't know, the term is based on this film. Bergman does a great job and outshines her co-star "whatshisname". The film deals with the practice of gaslighting and nails it. Since there have been narcissist's there has been gaslighting but now we finally have the language for it. That is quite groundbreaking right there. What I love about this film is this scene pictured. "Is this a knife?". Wouldn't you love to do that to someone who has been pulling this BS on you? Cinematic gold. Its on Hulu but it's also on YouTube. #Noirvember #NoirAlley #Noir #FilmNoir #Film #FilmFan #TCMParty #Movie
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More than anything I imagine my #noir photos as Rafael DeSoto paintings that never were.
#noir #filmnoir #noirvember #noiralley #pulpart #crimefiction
@godpod follow me I am the best, most interesting film reviewer here. Each month I have a theme. Just finishing up #noirvember and will be moving on to Xmas movies in a few days, where you will be featured a lot
Brick (2005) This Neo-noir stars Joseph Gordon Levitt and was written and directed by Rian Johnson (Star Wars, Knives Out)This movie had a whopping budget of 450k (I have also heard 800k). This film was basically a Chandler story... in high school and Levitt was Marlowe. If you think that sounds weird. Well it is kind of but Johnson and Levitt made it work. Johnson did his absolute best to get those lovely noir shots and sometimes he did but with a budget of 450k that's really hard. Like many low budget films this was all about natural light and locations. worth a watch. Rentable on most streaming. #Noirvember #Noir #FilmNoir #NoirAlley #TCMParty #Film #Movies #Cinema #CineMastodon #NeoNoir
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Gun Crazy (1950) this celebrated Noir stars Peggy Cummins as the extremely fatal femme fatale and John Dall as the very sappy sap.
Haven't heard of them? that' s cuz this was a solid B movie with B cast and crew including Russell Harland bringing his B movie ingenuity as the cinematographer. What I love most about this movie is the bank heist scene. Harland bolted a camera on a saddle and put it in the back of a limo. One long heist scene that is quite the marvel. B Movie director Joseph Lewis allowed the Cummins and Dall to improvise the dialogue to keep it fresh. And this is the best part. Only the bank knew {the cop was an actor). They did a bank heist scene with guns and the city didn't know. Nowadays, PD would shoot your ass. Why? Harland later revealed in an interview that they were broke. He didn't like the scene at first but grew to appreciate it. Most streaming has this for rent. #Noirvember #Noir #FilmNoir #NoirAlley #TCMParty #Film #Movies #Cinema #CineMastodon
#noirvember #noir #filmnoir #noiralley #tcmparty #film #movies #cinema #cinemastodon
Haven't heard of them? that' s cuz this was a solid B movie with B cast and crew including Russell Harland bringing his B movie ingenuity as the cinematographer. What I love most about this movie is the bank heist scene. Harland bolted a camera on a saddle and put it in the back of a limo. One long heist scene that is quite the marvel. B Movie director Joseph Lewis allowed the Cummins and Dall to improvise the dialogue to keep it fresh. And this is the best part. Only the bank knew {the cop was an actor). They did a bank heist scene with guns and the city didn't know. Nowadays, PD would shoot your ass. Why? Harland later revealed in an interview that they were broke. He didn't like the scene at first but grew to appreciate it. Most streaming has this for rent. #Noirvember #Noir #FilmNoir #NoirAlley #TCMParty #Film #Movies #Cinema #CineMastodon
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The Outfit (2022) This new entry into the Neo-noir genre stars Mark Rylance and ZoeyDeutch. This is a one location filmset in Chicago 1956. What I loved about it is the color pallet of beige, gray, blue/green and crushed blacks for the high contrast. And a splash of red that pops and also foreshadows. The director used lamps to get the deep shadows just like they did in the old days (mainly cuz their ass was broke). This had not one but two femme fatales and they actually talked to each other and not about a dude. I know I was shocked too. This film had a budget of 8 mil. It made 4. Mil at the box office and now sits in Amazons subscription library. Why a studio gave 8 mil to a single location film is beyond me. should have been 2 mil. This is important and will explain why in a bit. But go watch this. #Noirvember #Noir #NoirAlley #FilmNoir #Film #TCMParty #Film #Movies #CineMastodon #Cinema
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No Man of Her Own (1950) Based on the novel by Cornell Woolrich "I Married a Dead Man". Eddie Muller of #NoirAlley points out that this film is not on lists of top noirs but should be. It stars Barbara Stanwyck as the guilt ridden, try to do the right thing femme fatale. What I love about Stanwyck is as Muller points out, she can convince an audience of anything. gaping holes in the script? Pish Posh Babs is on the job. Although it runs a little closer to drama than say, D.O.A. its still a really solid noir. Adapted for the screen by Sally Benson and Catherine Turney for Stanwyck. These ladies knew how to make it work for a female led noir. I had to rent it but it is available. #Noir #Noirvember #TCMParty #FilmNoir #Film #Movies #Cinema #CineMastodon
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