My home shack noise floor is kind of high. I ran LMR-400 ultra flex to my attic HF antenna, specifically a Slinktenna because of space constraints. My G90 is crammed in a corner of my desk next to my desktop PC's speakers.
#noisefloor #hamradio #noise #hf
We ARE talking about #WeakSignal modes here. So what would seem like an insignificant difference in #NoiseFloor between 2 receivers on FM broadcast, or even perhaps SSB phone, is suddenly an enormous, critical difference.
When you hear #HamRadio folk talk about a particular radio that might not have their favorite features, or aesthetics, “…but it has a GREAT receiver…” this is the point they’re talking about. Sensitivity & Noise Floor.
#weaksignal #noisefloor #HamRadio