New #SpanishLoveSongs album drops Friday, and I'm 100% certain that it's going to absolutely wreck me.
"Stay alive out of spite."
Spanish Love Songs absolutely wrecking me once again.
#MusicHeals #nojoy #SpanishLoveSongs #NowPlaying
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
No Joy:
🎵 Chalk Snake
#nojoy #nowplaying #VarietyMix
Apropos @oatmeal comic. This weekend I wanted to try to photo the C/2022 E3 comet that is supposed to be visible in the northern skies. But the Houston weather is having other plans - it’s been nothing but clouds & rain & more rain and it’s forecast to continue through the week. According to my backyard gauge we’ve already had over 10 inches of rain in the last 7 days! Forecast says we may get a break by Friday night, hope the comet’s still visible then.
#astrophotography #nojoy #rain #clouds
#Radiohead #TheVerve #Verve #Debussy #Satie #Ravel #Pixies #TheClientele #Deerhunter #Doves #PearlJam #U2 #ThomYorke #DevendraBanhart #JonnyGreenwood #Grouplove #TameImpala #Slowdive #Violens #Suede #Ride #TheBeatles #Beatles #Björk #Bjork #JorgeElbrecht #CocteauTwins #FlyingLotus #Beck #TheStoneRoses #StoneRoses #Oasis #OtherLives #NoJoy #TheSmiths #Tamaryn #GrizzlyBear #SigurRós #SigurRos #Swervedriver #Japan #LUNASEA #AnnaCalvi #Dungen #BoardsOfCanada #REM #Elbow
#radiohead #theverve #verve #debussy #satie #Ravel #pixies #theclientele #deerhunter #doves #pearljam #u2 #thomyorke #devendrabanhart #jonnygreenwood #grouplove #tameimpala #slowdive #violens #Suede #ride #thebeatles #beatles #bjork #jorgeelbrecht #CocteauTwins #flyinglotus #beck #TheStoneRoses #stoneroses #oasis #otherlives #nojoy #TheSmiths #tamaryn #grizzlybear #sigurros #swervedriver #japan #lunasea #annacalvi #dungen #boardsofcanada #rem #elbow