@iamharaldur I will never turn down a chance for some McDonald’s French fries.
#cantstopeatingthem #frenchfries #nojudgment
I just heard on tv that #Twitter is the most dangerous social media platform for the #LGBTQ+ community.
And I just want y'all to know that YOU CAN BE YOURSELF WITH ME! YOU ARE SAFE WITH ME! There, here & anywhere else.🫶
#totalacceptance #loveoneanother #loveislove #nojudgment #lgbtq #twitter
Boost Your Mental Well-being: Discover the Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care
Protecting our mental health is important! Today, we're talking about two easy to use interventions: practicing mindfulness and prioritizing self care activities. Make time for yourself and stay present in the moment to reduce stress and anxiety.
#MentalHealthMatters #PracticeMindfulness #SelfCareActivities #ReduceStress #PrioritizeWellBeing #MakeTimeForYourself #ObserveThoughts #NoJudgment
#nojudgment #observethoughts #maketimeforyourself #prioritizewellbeing #reducestress #selfcareactivities #practicemindfulness #mentalhealthmatters
@maikelthedev @ironmanflan you are far from ugly and you're an attractive man. Words are power... Even in jest. Speak well of yourself. ❤️ #nojudgment
Thought for the day: "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Engage me and I learn." #highered #mathteacher Why are we... *still*... using lecture format in our classrooms? Why? Is it really because we are too busy or involved to create our own learning activities for students? Do we fool ourselves into thinking that if we just explain it enough our students will just simply *get it*? Are we missing the point of learning? #Nojudgment just wondering
#highered #MathTeacher #nojudgment
@BusterNutz77 @gaymerninja Okay I take back what I said earlier, after more reading. I did NOT go through a gooning phase. 😝 #NoJudgment