LLCU donates to Nokomis library
NOKOMIS -- Land of Lincoln Credit Union -- LLCU -- has given the new Nokomis library additional funds to complete its project.
In a press release from LLCU earlier this week, the bank donated $10,000 towards the project. A check was presented to libra
#Illinois #Local #CharlieO039Malley #ChrisUkena #LandOfLincolnCreditUnion #NokomisPublicLibrary #NokomisSavingsBank #RobertAres
#illinois #local #charlieo039malley #chrisukena #landoflincolncreditunion #nokomispubliclibrary #nokomissavingsbank #robertares
LLCU to acquire Nokomis Savings Bank
DECATUR/NOKOMIS -- Land of Lincoln Credit Union -- LLCU -- of Decatur and Nokomis Savings Bank -- NSB -- have entered into an acquisition agreement. The agreement, signed by LLCU President Robert Ares and NSB President Charlie O'Malley on April 28, will allow LLCU to acquire NSB.
The agreement is continge
#Illinois #Local #LandOfLincolnCreditUnion #NokomisSavingsBank
#illinois #local #landoflincolncreditunion #nokomissavingsbank