Nolan prova a raccontare nel suo stile la storia dell’uomo a capo del progetto Manhattan, che portò alla creazione della bomba atomica.
Recensione di @Lorexio16
#oppenheimer #nolan #film #cinema #nerd
#Oppenheimer #nolan #film #cinema #nerd
@murchadhfinn The BBC sat on his inappropriate texts for five years and said nothing, did nothing. They increased his power and his pay. Now, David Campbell LCC & AFBI says he will also sue Matthew OToole after the Nolan radio programme in which OToole was cut off by Nolan. Why do this now? Some coordination going on? Is Campbell also using Paul Tweed? Will 🚮 add an action next? #nolan #BBCNI @irelandpolitics
Il boss della Wagner muore dopo che il suo aereo è caduto accidentalmente da una finestra
#Prigozhin #24agosto #trovareLaForza #Wagner #Arabia #Putin #Tamberi #OppenheimerIlFilm #Mango #Pimenta #BRICS #Mosca #Sanchez #Tver #Gimbo #Vannacci #Napoli #Nolan #ErmalMeta #Piemonte
#prigozhin #24agosto #trovarelaforza #wagner #arabia #putin #Tamberi #oppenheimerilfilm #MANGO #pimenta #BRICS #mosca #sanchez #Tver #gimbo #vannacci #napoli #nolan #ermalmeta #piemonte
Heute im #Kino gewesen und #Oppenheimer 1 von #Nolan gesehen. Guter #Film, freue mich schon auf den Rest der #Trilogie.
#kino #Oppenheimer #nolan #film #trilogie
The #nolan story develops more strings every day. SDLP have boycotted his shows since he cut off their MLA Matthew O’Toole earlier this year. Very disrespectful and ill-tempered behaviour from Stephen Nolan that day. Sinn Fein boycotted the programme a long time ago. I think there’s a lot more to come. #bbc @irelandpolitics
@murchadhfinn That the BBC sat on this for five years, and gave him a raise in that time is quite shocking. That is also the time in which his ‘security detail’ extracted over £100K from the X persona, Pastor Jimberoo, and gloated about it on several media outlets for days. Anyone else would have been fired for this, and had their personal lives extensively trawled by many media outlets. @irelandpolitics #nolan #inappropriate #BBCNI
Pourquoi, quand on cherche (si cela a un sens) l'héritage de #Kubrick quelque part, on pense presque toujours à #Nolan, alors qu'il y a #WesAnderson ?
On trouve, dans un registre faussement mignon, tout ce qui a hanté Kubrick : la dérision de l'autorité, la symétrie, un usage virtuose du traveling, la maniaquerie dans le détail.
Mais là où Kubrick a juste fait mieux que les autres, Anderson a tracé sa voie.
#kubrick #nolan #wesanderson #film #cinema On this day: Cristiano Ronaldo’s Manchester United debut 20 years ago! 😲 #4-0Win #August16 #bolton #botlon #CristianoRonalod #EplOther1920 #football #FootballLeague #FourGoals #giggs #Goal #keane #ManUnited #ManchesterUnited #ManchesterUnited4-0Bolton #nistleroof #Nolan #PremierLeague #PremierLeagueHighlights #ref #ronaldo #RyanGiggs #Score #seven #Sky #SkySports #SkySportsFootball #SkySportsLive #Sports #stream #United #video #vlog #Volley #YouTube
#august16 #bolton #botlon #cristianoronalod #eplother1920 #football #footballleague #fourgoals #giggs #goal #keane #manunited #manchesterunited #manchesterunited4 #nistleroof #nolan #premierleague #premierleaguehighlights #ref #ronaldo #ryangiggs #score #seven #sky #skysports #skysportsfootball #skysportslive #sports #stream #united #video #vlog #volley #youtube
I am a huge fan of the #Nolan movies but #Oppenheimer was just disappointing, really.
Extremely dull even.
I mean I knew it was a documentary, but still...
I watched #Oppenheimer (#IMAX) today - what an impressive and immersive film. The way #Nolan incorporates Oppenheimer's thoughts into the real events is simply brilliant. The film's sound is outstanding and adds so much to the experience. And the actors shine!
Watched & really enjoyed the movie Oppenheimer.
It is a unique experience where I got to learn alot.
It has the quality of being 95% factually correct & is a good learning experience.
Nolan has done it again a unique movie experience.
It reminds me of a time people were less distracted & used to spend time to learn, reflect & achieve extra ordinary things.
So one part of BarbenHeimer is done ⚖️
#barbenheimer #oppenheimer #nolan #movie
Ars Technica: The past and present of Los Alamos came together to make Oppenheimer #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ManhattanProject #Oppenheimer #atomicbomb #Culture #Science #Physics #movie #Nolan
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #ManhattanProject #Oppenheimer #atomicbomb #Culture #science #physics #movie #nolan
Vi Oppenheimer. Nolan regresó con todo.
Es una PELICULAZA de esas técnicamente muy bien hechas.
Una suma de actuaciones notables de Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon y Robert Downey Jr.
Vayan a verla en IMAX. ¡Es una belleza!
★★★★½ en #Letterboxd
#Oppenheimer #Nolan #ChristopherNolan #CillianMurphy #EmilyBlunt #MattDamon #RobertDowneyJr #Cine #Películas #Movies
#Letterboxd #oppenheimer #nolan #christophernolan #cillianmurphy #emilyblunt #mattdamon #robertdowneyjr #cine #peliculas #movies
Magistral !!! Je n'avais pas ressenti ça depuis The tree of life, c'est dire !
Unpopular opinion:
Oppenheimer the movie looks more like a 3 and half hour trailer than an actual movie.
This movie was cut using a shredder. The shots last about 3.5 seconds, it's impossible to get attached to any of the characters even we wanted too. It's too bad, there was a lot of potential, but no bang.
#unpopularopinion #nolan #oppenheimer
Avis impopulaire :
Le film Oppenheimer ressemble à une bande annonce de trois heures trente.
Ce film est coupé à la déchiqueteuse. Les plans durent en moyenne 3 secondes et demie, on ne peut pas s'attacher aux personnages, alors qu'on aurait envie. C'est dommage, car, sinon, y avait de quoi faire un truc vraiment bien.
#avisimpopulaire #nolan #oppenheimer
Ayer tocó ver #Oppenheimer, muy bien la verdad. Muy interesante, no se hace pesada a pesar de ser larga (tiene bastante ritmo) y habla mucho sobre las implicaciones éticas del mal uso de la ciencia y el conocimiento.
Hoy, tengo un buen rato para ver cosas, así que voy a ir con otra que tenía pendiente: #Dunkerque (#Dunkirk) a ver qué tal 🙌
#oppenheimer #dunkerque #dunkirk #cine #peliculas #nolan
A day after watching #Oppenheimer , I can't recall stepping out of a theater so mesmerized. It's a work of art and in my opinion #Nolan 's best movie yet.
The Mattel doll loses out to Nolan, the Bomb and the Gita in India #TheMattel #Nolan #theBombtheandGita #Nolan #theBombtheandGita #Nolan #theBombandtheGita #India #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #india #thebombandthegita #thebombtheandgita #nolan #themattel