I am who I am,
no more & no less.
Not clever or special.
Not cursed or blessed.
I wake in the morning,
and wonder my place.
I rest at night,
and take off my brave face.
If I was someone,
that everyone knew.
I’d have something to say!
I’d have things to do!
I wouldn’t waste words,
as one more spare fool.
I wouldn’t strut fashion,
pretending I’m cool.
I’d champion compassion.
I’d seek out the meek.
I’d sing structural kindness.
I’d speak strength to the weak.
But I am who I am,
so I just do my best.
I pray God it’s enough,
no less, no less. 🙏
#poetry #Poem
#MastoPrompt #Cursed
For more follow @Swan
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#noless #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt #cursed
NO LE$$ at the Impala Cafe in Los Angeles 1996
#NoLess #NoMess #WestCoastPowerViolence #ElectricJungleViolence #Plutocracy #Kalmex #RWCG
#noless #nomess #westcoastpowerviolence #electricjungleviolence #plutocracy #kalmex #rwcg