@djwfyi it's like there's something #PostAgrarian that's #PreAgrarian again; maybe the people with or without homes are functionally #nomadic in the #anthropocene either way
#postagrarian #preagrarian #nomadic #anthropocene #homeless
Who wants to play #TheBig5 with me?
It's simple. You name categories and then name your 5 favorite entities in that category.
I'll start with music categories:
🎼 Top 5 genres:
5. #Electronic
4. #Jazz
1. #HipHop & #IndiePop
🎤 Top 5 artists:
5. #Cunninlynguists
4. #CYNE
3. #BlueSkyBlackDeath
2. #Nas
1. #GEMS
🎹 Top 5 producers:
5. #Kno
4. #Flyphonic
3. #DJPremier
2. Speck & Enoch of CYNE
1. BlueSkyBlackDeath
💿 Top 5 albums:
5. #Nomadic - The Journey (2018)
4. #RZA - Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai Original Soundtrack Japanese Version (2000)
3. #IAM - L'ecole du micro d'argent (1997)
2. Nas - Illmatic (1994)
1. GEMS - Kill the one you love (2015)
🎵 Top 5 songs:
5. #Trifonic - The next step
4. #VinniePaz & #YesAlexander - Is happiness just a word?
3. GEMS - Medusa (Uncut)
2. #IAmSnowAngel - Blue
1. #Lydomor - 三 Killing Time
#thebig5 #electronic #jazz #funk #hiphop #indiepop #cunninlynguists #cyne #blueskyblackdeath #nas #gems #kno #flyphonic #djpremier #nomadic #rza #iam #trifonic #vinniepaz #yesalexander #iamsnowangel #lydomor
Having participated in #ZUZALU on behalf of Matters several months ago, Jazzy Liang and K from Uncommons did an interview with Vitalik Buterin, in which he highlights the importance of clear, accessible goals for the community. They also delve into the concept of "#networkstate" and share experiences from past ventures in capitalist libertarian and anarchist communities during their #nomadic days.
Read the whole article on Matters.Town ➡️
#zuzalu #networkstate #nomadic
Reading new books and getting some stuff on Kindle. Would prefer physical, but a nomadic life demands sacrifice.
We are on our way back to Madeira and our first 24h are quite eventful, from moving into our new home, seeing the fireworks in Funchal and enjoying the sunrise above the clouds next morning.
#travel #vlog #video #portugal #madeira #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
#travel #Vlog #video #portugal #madeira #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
We never talk about problems and challenges that we face during our nomadic life style - so in the episode we seize the moment and talk about our current challenges in not finding an accommodation alongside our highlight of being on São Miguel.
#travel #vlog #video #portugal #azores #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
#travel #Vlog #video #portugal #azores #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
I finally got called to #jury duty! (In #Alaska, a state I no longer live in). This has happened to me before -- called up to serve in a jurisdiction I had recently fled. The perverse thing is that I am among the 0.0005% of people who actually *want* to serve. #nomadic #lifestyle
#jury #alaska #nomadic #lifestyle
Our last weekend on São Miguel, Azores and Lauza can tick one more experience off her bucket list.
#travel #vlog #video #portugal #azores #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
#travel #Vlog #video #portugal #azores #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
#BloodCarbon degradation using #CarbonOffsets: #Pastoralist peoples in Kenya are #nomadic, #selfsufficient and highly successful at living in conditions many others would find challenging. The NRT project puts all that at risk. © Beckwith & Fisher
#bloodcarbon #carbonoffsets #pastoralist #nomadic #SelfSufficient
This is our last full weekend in São Miguel, Azores and nothing went as planned. Anyway, the weekend turned out to be imperfectly perfect!
#travel #vlog #video #portugal #azores #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
#travel #Vlog #video #portugal #azores #nomadic #nomadlife #slowtravel
One of many memorable moments from our time on the #Azroes. All the volcanic lakes are just amazing and good for the soul 😌
#photography #nature #naturephotography #travel #nomad #nomadic
#azroes #photography #nature #naturephotography #travel #nomad #nomadic
#ImaginationNetwork #Flow #CreativeFlow #PassingThoughts #ShowerThoughts #NeurologyofAdhd #CreativeIndex #FluidReasoning #CreativeMinds #psych #lsd #ayahuasca #Hallucinogenics #shrooms #hypnotic #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #shamanism #luciddreaming #collectiveunconscious #jungian #collectivepsyche #kaiofdogtown #straightouttadogtown #plur #raveculture #microdose #mandy #kaithehitchhiker #NetflixDocumentary #documentary #interestingpeople #accidentalhero #accidentalheroine #homeless #transient #hitchhiker #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomads #vanlife #skoolie #fireus #fi #kmphnews #lovedrug #happypill #bigpharma #egodeath #freudian #shaman #pagan #paganism #medicineman #unhoused #homelessness #hitchhiking #funnyinterviews #memes #ghostsofyoutube #homelesshitchhiker #raciallymotivatedattack #innocentbystander #poverty #socialdeterminantsofhealth #rehabilitation #nj #newjersey #stateprison #inmatehealth #mentalillness #druginducedpsychosis #racistattack #domesticterrorist #domesticterrorism #crt #criticalracethory #vehicularmanslaughter #weaponizedcars #carattack #hitandrun #replacementtheory #commonenemy #trumpian #antiimmigrant #bigotry #victomofracism #incel #mgtow #whitemalerage #familicide #toxixmasculinity #middleagecrisis #mediocrity #whitemalemediocrity #mediocrewhitemale #displacedanger #displacedoutrage #racewar #manufacturedoutrage #alexjones #conspiracytheorist #flatearthers
#imaginationnetwork #flow #creativeflow #passingthoughts #showerthoughts #neurologyofadhd #creativeindex #fluidreasoning #creativeminds #psych #lsd #ayahuasca #Hallucinogenics #shrooms #hypnotic #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #shamanism #luciddreaming #collectiveunconscious #jungian #collectivepsyche #kaiofdogtown #straightouttadogtown #plur #raveculture #microdose #mandy #kaithehitchhiker #NetflixDocumentary #documentary #interestingpeople #accidentalhero #accidentalheroine #homeless #transient #hitchhiker #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomads #vanlife #skoolie #fireus #fi #kmphnews #lovedrug #happypill #bigpharma #egodeath #freudian #shaman #pagan #paganism #medicineman #Unhoused #homelessness #hitchhiking #funnyinterviews #memes #ghostsofyoutube #homelesshitchhiker #raciallymotivatedattack #innocentbystander #poverty #socialdeterminantsofhealth #rehabilitation #nj #newjersey #stateprison #inmatehealth #mentalillness #druginducedpsychosis #racistattack #DomesticTerrorist #domesticterrorism #crt #criticalracethory #vehicularmanslaughter #weaponizedcars #carattack #hitandrun #replacementtheory #commonenemy #trumpian #antiimmigrant #bigotry #victomofracism #incel #mgtow #whitemalerage #familicide #toxixmasculinity #middleagecrisis #mediocrity #whitemalemediocrity #mediocrewhitemale #displacedanger #displacedoutrage #racewar #manufacturedoutrage #alexjones #conspiracytheorist #flatearthers
- #vaccinehesitancy studies, along with data on #vaccine refusals (in relation to the #covid19vaccines)
- #Yellowfever vaccine and outbreak control in #Nomadic groups in the Savannah region. Been invited to revise both at PLOS Global Public Health
- Prevalence of #longcovid study, along with in-depth interviews that consider issues such as community and individual stigma. Policy briefs and manuscripts being written.
#vaccinehesitancy #vaccine #covid19vaccines #yellowfever #nomadic #LongCovid
I have been blessed enough to travel all over the world & have taken some amazing #travel photos. This photo was taken in #Morocco of a #nomadic #family in the #Sahara #desert. #travelphotography #photography #photo #photos #candy #love life #happiness #people #world #Friday #fridayfeeling
#travel #morocco #nomadic #family #sahara #desert #travelphotography #photography #photo #photos #candy #love #happiness #people #world #friday #fridayfeeling
On missing the smell of horses.#travelling #nomadic #cultures #uncle #elders
#elders #uncle #cultures #nomadic #travelling
let me do a short #introduction about myself
my name is Florencia and I'm from Argentina, as a nerdy data scientist I have many interests besides the usual girl stuff, for instance #AI #DL #ML #DataScience #statistics #R #python #nomadic lifestyle and I'm also interested in #OSINT #sci-fi #philosophy and the #future of #humanity and more, so let's connect and share interesting insights, infos and opinions
#humanity #future #philosophy #sci #osint #nomadic #Python #r #statistics #datascience #ml #dl #ai #introduction
I believe there's been an increase in the total number of addresses lived at for younger adults, even for those returning to the nest eventually.
This might be due to the younger generations having less access to life-sustaining work compared to their parents. When rents are high and wages are low, people will go where they can, when they can afford to.
Is this possibly a societal move toward being more #nomadic? Are we merely acclimating to #climatechange by becoming more nomadic?
#survival #nomadic #climatechange