I wonder if the ridiculousness of him having a "motorcade" stuck as many people as it did me.
*Former* presidents don't have "motorcades". The extra cars are to transport staff, security, and supplies... none of which #DarthTraitor had or needed on a measly trip from West Palm Beach to Miami (70 miles.)
It's always been about "The Show" for this carnival barker. #NoMiamiRiot #Espionage #LockHimUp
#darthtraitor #nomiamiriot #espionage #lockhimup
"The Mother of all Protests".
Outraged T**** supporters swarm the Miami Courthouse, making good on their promise to make T****'s arraignment "look like Waco".
It did: They just never specified a year. Looked like Waco 2023, not 1993. 😄 #NoMiamiRiot