Hat sich an #Nominatim irgendwas geändert? Das Suchfeld in meiner Karte tut nicht mehr wegen #CORS
Anybody out there regularly using and/or running an open-source #geocoding tool like #Nominatim or #Pelias?
How's it going? What's it like?
#geocoding #nominatim #pelias #gischat
I use it in my #Joomla extensions and I am very happy with it. It's also nice that as an #Openstreetmap #contributor you can #addMissingInformation and #correctWrongData.
My experience is limited to #Europe. Here, I think the coverage is comparable to the other major services. And since it is possible to add #localSpecifics like #oldHouseNames to an address, #Nominatim is the optimal tool for me.
#joomla #openstreetmap #contributor #addmissinginformation #correctwrongdata #europe #localspecifics #oldhousenames #nominatim
Working on a poor mans reverse geocoder fo vici.org that is based on a geonames dump.
Will be slightly inaccurate since it calculates nearness to Points iso checking if a location is inside a Polyline geometry. Uses much less resources than Nominatim though.
#vici_org #geocoding #geonames #nominatim
@pence List of commercial services based on #openstreetmap / #nominatim : https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Alternatives_.2F_Third-party_providers
The cheapest seems to be https://www.geofabrik.de/data/geocoding.html (EUR 70 / 1M request / month) .
500k points can even be (...) geocoded for free, only that according to https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/nominatim with max 1 reqest/s allowed it would take about a week
@pence And you can't/won't use the #geocoder from #openstreetmap ( #nominatim ) ?
#geocoder #openstreetmap #nominatim
Another #OpenStreetMap user from Taiwan shared that "You have to manually seperate (sic) city, street name and housenumber by white space", which was implied by another user by Viet Nam, when they mentioned the recent tokenization improvements with #nominatim
That's interesting. I tried the same address in #OpenStreetMap, which runs #nominatim, and I got the correct(?) result.
The strings I used were:
* "羅斯福路二段 10"
* "nanfu roosevelt road 10"
Could it be an #OsmAnd issue?
#OpenStreetMap #nominatim #osmand
My quest in creating a Google Maps clone continues.
#googlemaps #openstreetmap #nominatim #KomootPhoton
He modificat el codi de @temps. Fins ara consultava el servidor #Nominatim de openstreetmap.org quan li féiem la consulta d'una ciutat o poble.
Ara el bot utilitza el meu propi servidor Nominatim, així no emprenya gens a openstreetmap.org, que prou saturat deu anar de peticions d'arreu del planeta.
He afegit al servidor de tessel·les de #OpenStreetMap que tinc muntat un plugin de Cerca d'adreces pel seu nom que fa ús del meu propi servidor #Nominatim. És màgic.
Estic raonablement satisfet. Ja tinc el servidor de tessel·les de #OpenStreetMap funcionant (no em dona cap error de renderd) i, a més, li he afegit #Nominatim que permet fer cerques pel nom. En les imatges es veu el resultat de cercar "Catalunya".
#gis #postgis
#openstreetmap #nominatim #gis #postgis
Quan visitem https://openstreetmap.org pensem que és espectacular poder cercar qualsevol indret del planeta.
Al darrera del que veiem hi ha un servidor de tessel·les amb una base de dades gegantina (totes les dades planetaries, més de 1 Terabyte) i un servidor #Nominatim, que permet fer cerques pel nom.
Máxim respecte al projecte perquè és car en recursos, molt car.
I finally managed to connect #PicPlanner to the #nominatim API and get the search results as a JSON. So in principle my app is now capable of showing the desired information of sun, moon and milky way just by typing the name of a city into the search bar.
But: It is still not asynchronous, I have no error handling and the UI to select the correct search result is missing. Furthermore, my memory management is still a nightmare. But one step after another 😅
#PicPlanner #nominatim #gnome #gtk4 #libsoup #openstreetmap
#libadwaita is finally in Debian Sid! 🎉
As soon as it is in Debian Testing I will start using it in #PicPlanner. I already read all the tutorials so I hope it will be easy to make PicPlanner adaptive for the use with mobile Linux devices like the #librem5 or #pinephone .
But until this is the case there is still a lot of other work... For example the online location search with Nominatim which I a still afraid of 😂😅
#libadwaita #PicPlanner #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #gtk4 #gnome #linux #opensource #nominatim #debian
Also, in this regard, I have observed other editors using alt_name to add ortographic variants.
And #nominatim doesn't index the not:name key. 😶
#OpenStreetMap #Nominatim now indexes all addr:*:* tags to improve search results.
We're happy to hear that because in the #OSMaPaaralan initiative in the #Philippines that uses #DepEd donated data , it often includes neighborhood-level place names (sitio, purok, subdivisions), more than street-level information (street name, house numbers)
#OpenStreetMap #nominatim #osmapaaralan #philippines #DepEd
Falls mal jemand aus Adressen automatisch eine GPX Datei generieren möchte, ich hab da mal ein Python Skript gebastelt. 😅
Für die Adresse-zu-Koordinaten-Auflösung wird übrigens die Nominatim API verwendet.