Almond croissants are sooooo good. #nomnomnomnomnom🤤
@TexasObserver @gabrielarana
My strategy has paid off. I ordered groceries for three recipes I found on... Facebook and Instagram Reels. hahahaha. A slow cooker beef stew atop mashed potatoes, Swedish meatballs on egg noodles, and keilbasa, onions, corn, and peppers. I'm about to go totally nuts this morning starting that beef stew. #foodie #food #nomnom #nomnomnom #nomnomnomnomnom
#foodie #food #nomnom #nomnomnom #nomnomnomnomnom
@Caledonia @alexlac51 @WeeAuldWumman
A peice n dook is a by product ae stews.
A slice ae breid is dooked in the tap ae the stew tae absorb liquid magicness, & gied tae weans tae keep them fed tae dinner time. Mind haud it flat while yer daen it.
Dinnae lee it in too lang or ye risk the same disaster as dookin biscuits in tea.
#delicious #nutritious #warm #filling #SticksTaeYerRibs #NomNomNomNomNom
#nomnomnomnomnom #stickstaeyerribs #filling #warm #nutritious #delicious