billseipel · @billseipel
68 followers · 297 posts · Server

Have you noticed that the term is "music theory".
Not "music fact"?

Modal harmony fascinates me. It behaves completely different than diatonic harmony. Or appears to.

#music #musictheory #modalharmony #modes #nomodes

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Ford · @ftrain
3303 followers · 169 posts · Server

That PDF of an interview with Larry Tesler has one of the best breakdowns around the way that innovation happens (related to the story of the mouse) imaginable.

I said, you know, “This button is going to be pushed a lot and people are going—their hands are going to tire if it’s too stiff. And the button is going to wear out.” He said, “Oh, don’t worry about it. This button is rated for 40,000 presses.” I said, “Uh… 40,000 presses—I don’t think that’s enough. How many years you think that’s going to be?” He said, “I don’t know. Several years for sure.” And so we did a little calculation on the back of a napkin and I said, you know, “Ten button presses a minute and so and so an hour, eight- hour day, you know, 3 million button presses,” or something like that.

It's got everything: Physical hardware, cutting and pasting, and Apple deciding on a single button. Starts on page 26.


#retrocomputing #apple #XeroxPARC #nomodes

Last updated 2 years ago

ITSEC News · @itsecbot
687 followers · 32461 posts · Server

Larry Tesler, of copy-and-paste fame, dies at 74 - Larry Tesler, the computing pioneer who insisted that user interfaces should be both comfortable *... more:

#rip #tesler #nomodes #inmemoriam #copyandpaste

Last updated 5 years ago