Wrote 6500+ words in the last 2 days about how to leverage breakout rooms to create intentional engagement.

There is soo much more to Zoom than you think. If your Zoom skills and settings are stuck in 2020, reach out and I'll share free resources.

Need a or consultant? Let me and my team lower the stress for you and your team while producing more engaging virtual events.

#zoom #zoomproducer #eventdesign #nomorebadzoom

Last updated 2 years ago

What should we call that awkward moment at the start of a breakout room when everyone is muted and no one knows who should speak first? 😜

Better yet, I can show you how to design virtual events that create intentional engagement and avoid those awkward moments. 😍

Reply and I'll share my free Zoom Strategy Videos that will help you uplevel your 2020 Zoom skills. 👍

#zoom #belonging #virtual #VirtualEvents #nomorebadzoom

Last updated 2 years ago