I feel for Melissa Alexander and all victims of gun violence (which includes witnesses & family). As I read this article, I knew she was being played. But when her state congressman told her a red flag law would be unconstitutional, he unwittingly signaled a path forward: Repeal the 2nd Amendment. #Repeal2A #NoMoreGuns
@Miro_Collas Well, we can start the long, difficult process of amending or repealing the Second Amendment.
#Repeal2A #NoMoreGuns
@MiBaWi we need to loudly and repeatedly tell Congress to do something. This has got to stop. Use resistbot to flood inboxes daily until our elected officials act. #Ă ctivism #nomoreguns
@SteveJonesnono1 That goes for me too. Stay off my feed, murder apologists.
#RepealTheSecondAmendment #NoMoreGuns
#nomoreguns #repealthesecondamendment
@ohiorob It really *is* every day, too. I didn't realise that until I read the write-up in the Guardian - 89 so far this year. Hardly any get reported here.
#RepealTheSecondAmendment #NoMoreGuns
#nomoreguns #repealthesecondamendment
Guns guns guns guns guns -
Guns guns guns guns guns guns guns -
The means to our end.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #NoMoreGuns #Guns #GunControlNow #MentalIllness #AmendTheSecondAmendment
#amendthesecondamendment #mentalillness #guncontrolnow #guns #nomoreguns #onehaikuaday #Haiku
Yet another mass shooting in America. And what will we do?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So people can profit off the death and destruction of our own people.
Sickened to my core ... again.
#america #usa #guns #massshooting #gunviolence #guncontrol #nomoreguns #brokennation
#america #usa #guns #massshooting #gunviolence #guncontrol #nomoreguns #brokennation
Sitting in Starbucks reading a good book and there is a guy that just sat down a few feet away wearing a gun in a shoulder holster. Who the hell needs to wear a gun in a Starbucks?
"This morning, still groggy with sleep, I stumbled through the clutter on my 17-year-old son’s floor to wake him for school…
…and I smiled.
He growled and complained and protested as I literally pulled him from bed…
I plied him with food when he refused to eat.
I did all of these things today, gratefully and with a smile…
Because I can…
Because today a precious group of families in Connecticut can not.
Hug your babies. Then call/write your Congressmen."
#nomoreguns #tenyearsnothingschanged
* Another mass shooting.
* Another toddler who 'finds Daddy's gun'.
* Another loser who wants infamy.
* Another lost soul radicalised.
* Another small mind with a big gun.
Please sign my petition to make accepting blood money from gun lobby groups a crime for public officials.
#Enough #GunCrime #AssaultWeapons #MassShooting #NoMoreGuns #GunsKillChildren
#enough #guncrime #assaultweapons #massshooting #nomoreguns #gunskillchildren
* Another mass shooting.
* Another toddler who 'finds Daddy's gun'.
* Another loser who wants infamy.
* Another lost soul radicalised.
* Another small mind with a big gun.
Please sign my petition to make accepting blood money from.gun lobby groups a crime for public officials.
#Enough #GunCrime #AssaultWeapons #MassShooting #NoMoreGuns #GunsKillChildren
#enough #guncrime #assaultweapons #massshooting #nomoreguns #gunskillchildren
Agree. These are systemic issues. Throwing printed money at this problem could have the opposite effect in the long-term.
It could create a #perverseIncentive to continue the violence.
This is not a time for #disasterCorporatism... This is a time to #rethink #corporatism and #systemicViolence and incarceration quotas etc.
#disastercapitalism #police #militarisedpoliceforce #nomoreguns #demilitarise
#perverseIncentive #disasterCorporatism #Rethink #corporatism #systemicViolence #demilitarise #disastercapitalism #police #militarisedpoliceforce #nomoreguns