In 2021, people all over the UK took to the streets to stand against police power as part of #KillTheBill protests. During the protests, five volunteer legal observers with Black Protest Legal Support (BPLS) were detained, strip searched, and subject to racist harassment. They're now suing the Met police. Donate to their crowdfunder here: #ACAB #FuckThePolice #UKPolice #NoMorePolicePowers #PoliceScum #PoliceRacism #InstitutionalRacism #BristolProtesters #Bristol
#killthebill #acab #fuckthepolice #ukpolice #nomorepolicepowers #policescum #policeracism #institutionalracism #bristolprotesters #bristol
Call for solidarity by NetPol - The rights of disabled campaigners during this weekend of protest #Netpol #DisabilityRights #RightToAssembly #RightToProtest #PoliceDiscrimination #PoliceBrutality #InstitutionalDiscrimination #MetPolice #MetPoliceViolence #NoMorePolicePowers #ACAB
#netpol #disabilityrights #righttoassembly #righttoprotest #policediscrimination #policebrutality #institutionaldiscrimination #metpolice #metpoliceviolence #nomorepolicepowers #acab
A black man experiencing mental health issues standing on a balcony, threatening to jump - What do you do as a professional called to the scene? If you're MET police, you taser them and they fall to their death! #TheyDontProtectUs #ThePoliceDontProtectUs #NoMorePolicePowers #PoliceBrutality #RacistPolice #PoliceViolence #ThePoliceKill #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #BLMUK
#theydontprotectus #thepolicedontprotectus #nomorepolicepowers #policebrutality #racistpolice #policeviolence #thepolicekill #blacklivesmatter #blm #blmuk
Tory attacks on civic freedom see UK downgraded in new report #NoMorePolicePowers #KillTheBill #Authoritarianism #UKGovernment
#nomorepolicepowers #killthebill #authoritarianism #ukgovernment
MET Police Officer, David Carrick had “brazenly raped and sexually assaulted” his victims, believing himself to be “untouchable” due to his position, which afforded him “exceptional powers to coerce and control”. #METPolice #UKPolice #PoliceViolence #PoliceMisogyny #NeverTrustACop #NoMorePolicePowers #ACAB
#metpolice #ukpolice #policeviolence #policemisogyny #nevertrustacop #nomorepolicepowers #acab
The House of Lords has voted against many parts of the Public Order Bill today including some of the extended police powers for pre-crime arrests #PublicOrderBill #PolicePowers #NoMorePolicePowers #Protest #ProtectTheRightToProtest
#publicorderbill #policepowers #nomorepolicepowers #protest #protecttherighttoprotest
"The government is introducing more and more draconian legislation. The PCSC Act, the Public Order Bill, the Anti-Strikes Bill, the Elections Act, the Judicial Review and Courts Act are all signs of a government sliding into authoritarianism, and attempting to silence ordinary people." #BuildCommunitiesNotPrisons #NoMorePrisons #NoMorePolicePowers #KillTheBill
#buildcommunitiesnotprisons #nomoreprisons #nomorepolicepowers #killthebill
Amendments in the #PublicOrderBill would allow the #police to treat multiple actions by the same group as one. This means that if #JustStopOil organised a bake sale tomorrow, the police could shut it down because Just Stop Oil once blocked a motorway. There’s rich comedy potential here, I’ll give them that. #NoMorePolicePowers #NoMoreFossilFuels #Protest #ProtestIsOurHumanRight #Resist #Dissent #DirectAction
#publicorderbill #police #juststopoil #nomorepolicepowers #nomorefossilfuels #protest #protestisourhumanright #resist #dissent #directaction
On the same day that high-ranking Met officer David Carrick was outed as a serial r*pist – the government announced a number of new amendments [to the Public order Bill] that together represent the potentially unlimited expansion of police power over protest. #NoMorePolicePowers #KillTheBill #KillThePublicOrderBill #PublicOrderBill #Protest #Dissent #Resist #ToryScum #ToryFascism #PoliceState #PoliceMisogyny #PoliceViolence
#nomorepolicepowers #killthebill #killthepublicorderbill #publicorderbill #protest #dissent #resist #toryscum #toryfascism #policestate #policemisogyny #policeviolence
The government knows many of the measures [in the Public Order Bill] are pointless – in 2021, the police inspectorate advised the Home Office that protest banning orders would both be ineffective and breach human rights – but is ploughing ahead anyway. #PublicOrderBill #KillTheBill #NoMorePolicePowers #Protest #Strike #Dissent #Resist
#publicorderbill #killthebill #nomorepolicepowers #protest #strike #dissent #resist
Its 2023, and the state is busy mounting fresh attack on us. It’s up to us to remind them of our strength and our power, and that the streets are ours #TheStreetsAreOurs #WeWillNotBeSilenced #Protest #ProtestIsOurHumanRight #Dissent #Resist #KillTheBill #NoMorePolicePowers #PublicOrderBill #DemocracyMyArse
#thestreetsareours #wewillnotbesilenced #protest #protestisourhumanright #dissent #resist #killthebill #nomorepolicepowers #publicorderbill #democracymyarse
⛔ TW - R*pe, M*rder and P*olice Brutality ⛔
It's not surprising that one of the worst sex offenders (to be caught) in Britain is a #MetPolice officer! #UKPolice #NoMorePolicePowers #PoliceBrutality #PoliceViolence #PoliceMisogyny #PoliceRacism #PoliceCorruption #KillTheBill #PublicOrderBill #Protest #Dissent #Resist
#metpolice #ukpolice #nomorepolicepowers #policebrutality #policeviolence #policemisogyny #policeracism #policecorruption #killthebill #publicorderbill #protest #dissent #resist
Yet another black man has died following police contact - @thecanaryuk report - #Policing #PoliceBrutality #NoMorePolicePowers #DefundThePolice #ACAB
#policing #policebrutality #nomorepolicepowers #defundthepolice #acab
Drumming at the #Drive2Survive and #KillTheBill protest at the tory party conference last year. We must continue to resist the discriminatory and fascist legislation being dragged through parliament by the #ToryScum in 2023! #PublicOrderBill #PCSCBill #Policing #NoMorePolicePowers
#drive2survive #killthebill #toryscum #publicorderbill #pcscbill #policing #nomorepolicepowers