RT @AShoutAbout@twitter.com
#NoMorePovertyPWD (Persons With Disabilities) 🇨🇦
Poverty-Level Financial Support is the base minimum level for ALL Disabled Canadians!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AShoutAbout/status/1611143178517905408
#nomorepovertypwd #maidwithoutpovertypwd
RT @AShoutAbout@twitter.com
...and for the Provincial OR Federal government to implement an immediate #DERB (Disability Emergency Relief Benefit) of $1000/mo on top of current Disability Support to remain in place until CDB C-22 takes effect! #NoMorePovertyPWD (Persons With Disabilities) 🇨🇦 #CDBby23 https://twitter.com/Ow_My_Back_/status/1603075404025450496
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AShoutAbout/status/1603084926941024257
#cdbby23 #nomorepovertypwd #Derb
RT @AShoutAbout@twitter.com
PWD ARMY, ALLIES & WARRIORS, Twitter and other forms of Social Media can be a cesspool of negativity. Please, reject the darkness & hate. Let's Affect Positive Change by acting, posting & speaking in the positive every day - let's heal our minds & body! ❤️🙏 #NoMorePovertyPWD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AShoutAbout/status/1594349982198697985