Notice: I am NOT suggesting non-Indigenous, non-BIPOC people post with most of these hashtags. Follow, ally, educate yourself, etc. but don’t appropriate is always good advice for allies.
#languagerevitalization #mmiw #mmiwg2s #mutualaid #mutualaidmonday #nagpra #nahm #nationalaboriginalday #native #nativeamerican #nativeamericanheritagemonth #nativemastodon #nativesvote #ndn #nomorestolensisters #notyourmascot #orangeshirtday #powwow #powwows #protecticwa
Want to learn more about the crisis of Missing and Murdered Women and how to take action?
Download Restoration Magazine’s Special Edition on MMIW: https://n8ve.net/MTWPD
#mmiw #mmiwactionnow #nomorestolensisters
May 1 - May 7, 2023 is the National Week of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). Join us in saying enough is enough. No more stolen sisters.
GO TO: niwrc.org/mmiw
#mmiw #mmiwactionnow #nomorestolensisters
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (#MMIW)
Across the so called USA and Canada native women and girls are being taken or murdered at an unrelenting rate. @ProjNativeHope
#MMIWG #MMIW2S #WeAreStillHere #MMIP #Indigenous #NoMoreStolenSisters #MMIWG2S
#mmiw #mmiwg #MMIW2S #wearestillhere #MMIP #indigenous #nomorestolensisters #mmiwg2s
À l'occasion du #reddressday , 5 mai étant le jour de commémoration pour les femmes autochtones des Amériques disparues ou assassinées, je vous recommande la lecture de ce livre " Soeurs volées - enquête sur un féminicide au Canada" écrit par Emmanuelle Walter et préfacé par Widia Larivière
Justice pour ces filles, femmes, mères, soeurs, amies, solitaires, personnes trans qui sont victimes du patriarcat, torturées, violées et assassinées, en proie à la violence coloniale
#reddressday #nomorestolensisters
Tomorrow is the National Day of Awareness for #MMIW. Wear RED and share your photo with us!
Make sure to use hashtags #MMIW, #MMIWActionNow and #NoMoreStolenSisters and tag @niwrc in your posts!
#mmiw #mmiwactionnow #nomorestolensisters
RT @IllumiNative
Today marks the beginning of the #MMIW Week of Action. People will peacefully gather on May 5 at the Grand Rapids park in Michigan to raise awareness for our stolen and lost relatives. We need change NOW! #IndigenousRights #NoMoreStolenSisters #MMIP
#mmiw #indigenousrights #nomorestolensisters #MMIP
May 5th is #RedDressDay in remembrance of our stolen sisters...
#MMIW #MMIWG2S #MMIP #NoMoreStolenSisters #Indigenous #WeAreStillHere
#reddressday #mmiw #mmiwg2s #mmip #nomorestolensisters #indigenous #wearestillhere
I just finished watching the season finale of #AlaskaDaily. Excellent show, fantastic cast and important message. I really hope #ABC renews for another season. Alaska is a unique place in this world. I hope to visit someday. #HilarySwank #GraceDove #JeffPerry #MMIW #NoMoreStolenSisters
#AlaskaDaily #abc #hilaryswank #gracedove #jeffperry #mmiw #nomorestolensisters
#MMIW #NoMoreStolenSisters
# deepl
Keine gestohlenen Schwestern mehr
Warum sind 5.712 vermisste und ermordete #indigene Frauen keine Krise?
Die #Medien ignorieren das Problem, und die #Strafverfolgungsbehörden sind nachlässig oder bestenfalls gleichgültig. Diese #Frauen und ihre #Familien haben mehr verdient; sie verdienen #Gerechtigkeit.
#greggdavid #Wandbild #gerechtigkeit #familien #frauen #strafverfolgungsbehorden #medien #indigene #nomorestolensisters #mmiw #keinegestohlenenschwesternmehr
Stolen Sisters Podcast
now: https://youtu.be/bXYn-XSf4Jc
#anthonettecayedito #notinvisible #nomorestolensisters #stolensisters #mmiw #mmiwg
#NoMoreStolenSisters & #EveryChildMatters #memorials on grounds of #Umista #NamgisNation #FirstNation #cultural centre.
#MMIWG #NoMoreStolenChildren #BringThemHome #ResidentialSchools #BCFirstNations #NamgisTerritory #AlertBay #CormorantIsland #BCCoast #BritishColumbia #Canada #IndigenousGenocide #NeverForget #PNW #PacificNorthwest #TurtleIsland
#nomorestolensisters #everychildmatters #memorials #umista #namgisnation #firstnation #cultural #mmiwg #nomorestolenchildren #bringthemhome #residentialschools #bcfirstnations #namgisterritory #alertbay #cormorantisland #bccoast #britishcolumbia #canada #indigenousgenocide #neverforget #pnw #pacificnorthwest #turtleisland
Why aren't 5,712 missing and murdered indigenous women a crisis?
The MSM ignores the issue and law enforcement is negligent or indifferent at best. These women and their families deserve more; they deserve justice.
🎨 Mural: Gregg David
#handmade #stickers #Landback #nomorestolensisters #mmiwg #activists
Violence against Indigenous women, girls, Two Spirit and Trans people is disproportionate and targeted.
Despite calls, coalitions, studies and inquiries, govt have taken little to no action to end these tragedies
Help us raise awareness
#mmiwg2s #mmiwg #nomorestolensisters
#MMIW #MMIWG #NoMoreStolenSisters
🎨 by Pilar Côté
#nomorestolensisters #mmiwg #mmiw
#MMIWG2S Indigenous Women are 12 times more likely to be murdered than any other women in Canada. The hashtag has expanded to include women, girls and two spirited.
#mmiwg2s #nomorestolensisters #mmiwg #mmiw
#mmiw #cultdata #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #neverfallmedia #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
#mmiw #cultdata #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #neverfallmedia #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders
#mmiw #ICWA #winnipeg #blacksnake #mmiwg #orangeanimasriver #animasriver #navajo #navajonation #neverfallmedia #winnipeglandfill #mmiwg2s #winnipegpolice #dapl #nomorestolensisters #mmnawg #winnipegmurders