I let the ragwort grow wild in my garden this year (which, despite the name, looks and smells lovely). And, as a result, I’ve now got a crop of fat cinnabar moth caterpillars happily munching away at it.
Want to help reverse the catastrophic collapse of global insect populations that threatens the food chain and all life on earth?
Stop. Mowing. The. Fucking. Grass.
#nomow #NoMowMay #NoMowJune #nomowever
#nomowmarch #NoMowMay #nomowever these aren't meant to be good photographs- i'm just out here watching the bees try to pollinate- the term weed is specieism or whatever you call it - i'm no botanist but it's not that hard to simply let things grow - monoculture suburban yards are repulsive - stop the insane war on plant diversity
#nomowmarch #nomowmay #nomowever