Samen met mijn kameraad in zowel muziek als politiek Reece was ik met zo'n 50000 aanwezige demonstranten bij #A12Support en #A12Blokkade Morgen kan ik er niet fysiek bij zijn. Maar goed, dit gaat een permanent ding worden dus tot gauw, strijders ♥️ #extinctionrebellion #nomusiconadeadplanet #climatejusticenow #DenHaag
#a12support #a12blokkade #extinctionrebellion #nomusiconadeadplanet #climatejusticenow #denhaag
Bonjour le mammouth 🦣 ☕️🍵🧉
#StreetArt Manchester #NoMusicOnADeadPlanet
#streetart #nomusiconadeadplanet
‘Music Declares Emergency’ going global : USA, Canada, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Chile, Indonesia, Brazil, … #NoMusicOnADeadPlanet #MusicDeclares #FanClubForCliimate #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange
#nomusiconadeadplanet #musicdeclares #fanclubforcliimate #globalwarming #climatechange
1/ Neues aus der Reihe #ExperimenteMitHühnern. Es war ein totales Rambazamba im Hühnerstall. Nicht auszuhalten. Ich wollte einfach nur in Ruhe frühstücken. Ich dachte, ich probier mal was aus und es hat geklappt!!!!!
#Tomita #Huhn #Hühner #MusikMachtDieWeltBesser #NoMusicOnADeadPlanet
#experimentemithuhnern #tomita #Huhn #huhner #musikmachtdieweltbesser #nomusiconadeadplanet
I fully support #MusicDeclaresEmergency #nomusiconadeadplanet
#MusicDeclaresEmergency #nomusiconadeadplanet
Accidental selfie 😄 Trying to set up my phone to record, making sure that the angle is right and such 🤓 Getting ready to share songs about the climate crisis, sustainability and a minimalist lifestyle 💚 Taking a real good look in the mirror 👌 We can all do a little better, right? 🤠✌️
#wecandobetter #selfiefail #minimalist #climateawareness #greenvibes #greentomorrow #sustainablefuture #noplanetb #nomusiconadeadplanet #greendreamer #lessismore #danrose #danrosedk #personalperspective
#wecandobetter #selfiefail #minimalist #climateawareness #greenvibes #greentomorrow #sustainablefuture #noplanetb #nomusiconadeadplanet #GreenDreamer #lessismore #danrose #danrosedk #personalperspective
Upbeat guitar and harmonica with the end of the world as the backdrop 🖤 Dollars changing hands, the rich getting richer ✊ I believe that things can change 💚 My song wants to help inspire that change 🤠✌️
#protestsong #lyricvideo #climateaction #noplanetb #nomusiconadeadplanet #juststopoil #extinctionrebellion #fridaysforfuture #greendreamer #sustainablefuture #singersongwriter #troubadour #alternativefolk #musicvideo #independentartist #indiemusician #singersongwriter #acousticguitar #harmonica
#protestsong #lyricvideo #climateaction #noplanetb #nomusiconadeadplanet #JustStopOil #extinctionrebellion #fridaysforfuture #GreenDreamer #sustainablefuture #singersongwriter #troubadour #alternativefolk #musicvideo #independentartist #indiemusician #acousticguitar #harmonica
To everyone who ever belittled you and your climate awareness 💚
#climateaction #climatecrisis #globalwarming #ecoparalysis #climateanxiety #climatejustice #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #stoppollution #sustainablefuture #planetoverprofit #changeiscoming #gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateactivism #ecoanxiety #environmentalism #greendreamer #grønomstilling #klimatosse #bæredygtighed #savetheplanet #klimaschutz #climateawareness #climateapathy
#climateaction #ClimateCrisis #globalwarming #ecoparalysis #climateanxiety #climatejustice #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #stoppollution #sustainablefuture #planetoverprofit #changeiscoming #gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateactivism #ecoanxiety #environmentalism #GreenDreamer #gronomstilling #klimatosse #bæredygtighed #savetheplanet #klimaschutz #climateawareness #climateapathy
We all pay the price for how the established system of the world is destroying the planet 🌍 We can all do better and we can do it together, right? Rant over 🤠✌️💚
#climateinjustice #noplanetb #wecandobetter #nomusiconadeadplanet #protestsign #climateprotest #climateaction #climateactivism #klimastreik #fridaysforfuture #klimastrejke #klimastreik #savetheplanet #greendreamer #saveourplanet #juststopoil #activism #sustainable #oildependency #climatechange #klimaschutz #cleanearth
#climateinjustice #noplanetb #wecandobetter #nomusiconadeadplanet #protestsign #climateprotest #climateaction #climateactivism #klimastreik #fridaysforfuture #klimastrejke #savetheplanet #GreenDreamer #saveourplanet #JustStopOil #activism #sustainable #oildependency #climatechange #klimaschutz #cleanearth
My excellent Musicians Australia / MEAA colleague Alex Masso and I happened to turn up today in matching t shirts! And also kinda accidentally may have started a cross-union MEAA #ClimateAction caucus with 18 others 💚 What a fantastic few days of meetings it’s been!
#Music #Activism #MusicalActivism #NoMusicOnADeadPlanet
#climateaction #music #activism #musicalactivism #nomusiconadeadplanet
Last night in Copenhagen 🖤 I tried out some of my ninging about living a simpler life and doing more to move us towards a greener future 💚 Looking forward to sharing more songs and live gigs soon, send me a DM for more 🤠✌🏻💚🎸
#livemusic #greendreamer #climateactivism #sustainablefuture #singersongwriters #troubadour #soloartist #climatechange #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #danskmusik #musikdk #københavn #klimatosse #treehugger #simpleliving #indiefolkmusic #folksinger
#livemusic #GreenDreamer #climateactivism #sustainablefuture #singersongwriters #troubadour #soloartist #climatechange #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #danskmusik #musikdk #kobenhavn #klimatosse #TreeHugger #simpleliving #indiefolkmusic #FolkSinger
This gig was a blast 🤠 I played my songs in a cozy Friday afternoon setting for an audience enjoying a pre-weekend drink 🍷 Brand new climate song “Smell The Need For Change” was also on the setlist and I could feel it connecting 💚 Looking forward to the next couple of gigs 🤠✌🏻
#livemusic #climateactivism #greendreamer #smelltheneedforchange #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #bæredygtighed #protestsinger #danskmusik #musikdk #danrose #danrosedk #aarhus #vejle #københavn
#livemusic #climateactivism #GreenDreamer #smelltheneedforchange #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #bæredygtighed #protestsinger #danskmusik #musikdk #danrose #danrosedk #aarhus #vejle #kobenhavn
Yes, yes, yes.
#Renewable #Energy #Wind #Solar #Tidal #Renewables #Power #Electricity #ClimateCrisis #MusicDeclaresEmergency #NoMusicOnADeadPlanet
#renewable #energy #wind #solar #tidal #renewables #power #electricity #climatecrisis #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet
This is the 3rd track from my EP 'Silent'. This song embodies my hopes for a kinder planet that treats everyone and every creature with the dignity and respect it deserves ❤️
#nomusiconadeadplanet #loveelephants
RT @egghat
Sehr cool. #nomusiconadeadplanet
Eine sehr coole Design-Idee!
#nomusiconadeadplanet #joydivision
Hier kaufen:
#joydivision #nomusiconadeadplanet
🎼 Schweizer Künstler*innen und weitere Akteur*innen aus der Musikbranche von @musicdeclares rufen den #Klimanotstand aus. Die #Klimabewegung wächst. Die #Klimakrise können wir nur gemeinsam lösen.
#klimanotstand #klimabewegung #klimakrise #nomusiconadeadplanet #musicdeclaresswitzerland