I get “job offers” every day. They’re all from corporate conglomerates.
Nobody wants to acknowledge the roots of the veterinary shortage.
Veterinarians are missing from the workforce because they were literally driven to suicide. The pandemic just made a preexisting crisis worse. The venture-capitalization of medicine creates victims out of doctors and patients.
If anyone contacts me trying to recruit for Mars I send them an invoice for my time.
Veterinarians raise censorship concerns after several AVMA member veterinarians were barred from attending the @AVMAvets@twitter.com Humane Endings Symposium this weekend in Chicago. Read the story here. http://eepurl.com/ijuouH @chicagotribune@twitter.com #vettwitter #nomv #vetmed #animalwelfare
#vettwitter #nomv #vetmed #animalwelfare
Well, it’s been a long time since a client made me cry. So that happened. Happy Saturday! Be kind to your veterinarians and veterinary staff, everyone. We’re doing the best we can.
#Veterinarian #VetMed #NOMV
Well, it’s been a long time since a client made me cry. So that happened. Happy Saturday! Be kind to your veterinarians and veterinary staff, everyone. We’re doing the best we can.
#Veterinarian #VetMed #NOMV
Join #vegan #veterinarian Dr. Eileen Kenny us at 7:00pm Pacific time at http://discussions.ourhonor.org
#vetstudent #veterinarystudent #vettwitter #vetmed #veterinarymedicine #avmavlc #nomv #animalscience #animalrights #ffa #4h
#vegan #veterinarian #vetstudent #veterinarystudent #vettwitter #vetmed #veterinarymedicine #avmavlc #nomv #animalscience #animalrights #ffa #4H
Thank you @vox@twitter.com for elevating our group. We are here to support #vetstudents and #veterinarians working to make a kinder world for all species. #vegan #animalrights #vetmed #nomv #veterinarymedicine #vettwitter #veterinarystudent #animalscience #animalwelfare #humanrights
#vetstudents #veterinarians #vegan #animalrights #vetmed #nomv #veterinarymedicine #vettwitter #veterinarystudent #animalscience #animalwelfare #humanrights
RT @drcrystalheath@twitter.com
Tell me about a time you triggered a colleague so much he wrote a hit piece about you. I’ll go first. 👉 http://www.egg-news.com/Share.aspx?Site_Copy_ID=245470 👈 #vettwitter #vetmed #veterinarymedicine #nomv #vetstudent #veterinarystudent #vegan #animalrights #animalwelfare
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drcrystalheath/status/1610509415186329601
#vettwitter #vetmed #veterinarymedicine #nomv #vetstudent #veterinarystudent #vegan #animalrights #animalwelfare
RT @drcrystalheath@twitter.com
I would love to hear from AVMA member veterinarians about issues they care about. It only takes 200 AVMA member veterinarians to submit a petition to the AVMA House of Delegates. What issues matter to you?
#vetmed #vettwitter #nomv #veterinarymedicine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drcrystalheath/status/1609767074959876097
#vetmed #vettwitter #nomv #veterinarymedicine
Sometimes I think that to be able to stay sane and alive until today is a gift and privilege.
#veterinarian #mentalhealth #nomv
Got called money hungry by a client again today. Over a medically necessary $95 service. During a 20-minute after hours phone call.
So that was fun.
The punchline: the average salary in the client's profession is 4X a veterinarian's.
And his genetically ...umm... interesting purebred dog cost $5K+.
(Fellow vets, you can probably guess the breed.)
#VeterinaryMedicine #NOMV #veterinarian #ItsNotAllCutePuppiesAndKittens #BitterPartyOfOne
#veterinarian #bitterpartyofone #itsnotallcutepuppiesandkittens #nomv #veterinarymedicine
Got called money hungry by a client again today. Over a well earned and medically necessary $95.
So that was fun.
The punchline: the average salary in the client's profession is 4X a vet's.
And his genetic disaster of a purebred dog cost $5K+.
#VeterinaryMedicine #NOMV #ItsNotAllCutePuppiesAndKittens #BitterPartyOfOne
#bitterpartyofone #itsnotallcutepuppiesandkittens #nomv #veterinarymedicine
@batcat +1 to talking about mental health in vet med! Thank you for raising that. It's gotten so much harder for veterinarians since I left practice ages ago.
If there are DVMs on Mastodon (or anywhere you can find me) struggling and thinking about switching to a non-traditional veterinary career, message me! I will always make time for my tribe.
#VetMed #nomv #whotakescareofthecaregivers
Thinking about the Shame in Medicine: The Lost Forest podcast https://www.thenocturnists-shame.org/
It's been really helpful in untangling my feelings about #VeterinaryMedicine. So much of (me) being a doctor is striving for perfection or at least to be a "good doctor" by every measure, and coming up short in my own mind. And it's that perspective that harms me.
#nomv #NotOneMoreVet #veterinarian #veterinarians #medicine #MedicalHumanities #MentalHealth
#mentalhealth #medicalhumanities #medicine #veterinarians #veterinarian #notonemorevet #nomv #veterinarymedicine
Hi. I live in Northern California and work as a small animal #veterinarian.
Bat Cat is my #cat. She is smart and affectionate and has a rather large Attitude Problem. I'm obsessed.
In my free time, I love learning more about the #history of ordinary people, especially in the US and the areas of the former Soviet Union. I'm studying Russian потихоньку.
#veterinarians #veterinarymedicine #NOMV #AmericanHistory #RussianHistory #SovietHistory #MedicalHumanities #StandWithUkraine
#StandWithUkraine #medicalhumanities #soviethistory #russianhistory #americanhistory #nomv #veterinarymedicine #veterinarians #history #cat #veterinarian #introduction