@LaPenguin I'm mostly #non24 too but I kinda manage to make it work with my job to a degree, mostly because I have a very understanding supervisor.
Hmmm. #Non24
I've been diagnosed with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. Because I'm up all night and sleep during the day. My sleep isn't so much delayed as it is upside-down.
I say I'm #nocturnal.
I worked the day shift for my entire IT career; what a struggle to conform to "normal" people's schedules.
And I agree that there are more people out there who sleep at odd times and are labeled as lazy. 😡
Now I work third shift at a residential facility, and it's perfect for me. 😴 💤
Hello, MastoFolk! Woke up at 04:00, wide-awake and groggy. Here we go. #non24
Tonight’s #non24 project has been to add an #RSS feed to the site. There’s been a rising number of feed requests showing up in the logs for the last month or so. I’ve only written RSS subscribe code in the past (and that was long ago) so not sure if this is quite right. Test comments welcome.
Following daily streaks puts me into "get it done in Any Way Possible" mode. I've found there are many ways to meet most basic requirements, but true learning requires more. When I have time to make my own schedule, I make progress. There is no long-term benefit for me doing a 5-10 minute lesson for a streak when it takes me (for example) 20 minutes to get into task mode! So, I will no longer be participating in streaks. I'm going to learn instead 🙂 #ActuallyAutistic #non24
@poppacalypse oh, short naps are not easy for me either. I mostly had to take naps in public or semi-public places where it was easier to wake up because there was so much stimulation around you.
Getting things done actually hasn't been too hard as long as I'm rested. Doing work as part of a team is hard if it's a long project because of all the meetings, but most of the time I'm a solo dev and nearly all of my clients have been with me a long time. The mutual familiarity helps a lot. They know how I work, most know about my sleep issues, and I know them so well they don't need to explain very much for me to know exactly what they need.
There's only a few days a month when I can't arrange to be awake for at least a couple of normal business hours so as long as people can plan a week ahead to schedule meetings, it's tolerable for me.
Having a life outside of work is where things get dicey because social schedules are more unpredictable and harder to juggle.
#non24 #sleepdisorder #insomnia
@poppacalypse hey that’s great! I’ve always had like 10 alarms to wake me up and it’s just like your story once I’m able to find my natural sleep times. I just wake up naturally 7-8 hours afterwards. Unfortunately it’s hard to figure out when that natural time should be on any given day when it always creeps forward.
Even when I can’t find it, it’s easier for me to just go to bed 2 hours later every day because that’s like establishing a normal bedtime even if it’s not the ideal bedtime.
Trying to get up at the same time every day for me is like trying to get up 2 hours earlier every day. You can’t do it for long without consequences.
#non24 #sleepdisorder #insomnia
Hello, MastoFolk! I’m up a little early. May have to take a little nap later. #non24
I think it’s time for a lie-down soon. I didn’t get much sleep last night. I’m going to read and snuggle with hubby under the covers. If I happen to fall asleep, so be it. #non24
I'm going to bed a little early, because I'm so sleepy. I got up at 7:30 this morning. Good night, MastoFolk! #non24
@thefalcon @billzismyname I feel like I napped all day, and still tired. #depression or #non24 or something...
@poppacalypse there’s also delayed sleep phase syndrome, which is known to be much more common and similar to #Non24, so also look into that.
When I was in college I was known as they guy who could fall asleep anywhere. My friends were amazed when I fell asleep at a rock concert.
I was also awake at any given time too. I spent my college years as a paradox of this guy who everyone saw asleep at unusual times, but also was someone who slept far less than anyone else because I just couldn’t sleep when I tried to.
I survived by sleeping 30-90 minutes here and there… cafes, library, benches, the subway train… everywhere. I slept so much on the train I developed a sixth sense for when to wake up and get off the train. I rarely missed my stop.
These days I have more control over my schedule so I get more sleep, but it’s still difficult to manage. If I ever had to work a normal job again it might be a problem.
I think I’m going to take a *small nap soon. We had to cancel going to hubby’s appointment because of a ride share snafu. Now I’m getting sleepy again. Oh, what fun. #non24
In case anyone has come across the term non-24 (certainly in my posts) and is curious, here’s what it is. In my case, I take melatonin at 11:00 pm every night, and it helps about 75 percent of the time. Much better than my previous life of bouncing off the walls at all hours. #non24 https://www.sleepfoundation.org/non-24-sleep-wake-disorder