Mal so ganz nebenbei: ich bin bei Weitem nicht allein mit der Ansicht, dass es keine "Naturkatastrophen" im Wortsinn gibt. Schließlich wären das alles nur Naturereignisse/-phänomene wenn sie irgendwo in unbewohntem/ungenutztem Gebiet passierten.
Die Entscheidungen zu nah an Gewässern zu bauen, viel zu dichte Monokulturen-Wälder anzupflanzen, und so vieles mehr, was aus natürlichen Ereignissen Katastrophen für uns werden lässt treffen bzw trafen Menschen.
Friederike Otto hat dazu schon was veröffentlicht
Und es gibt eine komplette internationale wissenschaftsgestützte Bewegung, die sich für präzisere Sprache in diesem Fall einsetzt, damit die Verantwortlichen (idR Machthabende wie zb Politiker*innen), sich endlich ihrer Verantwortung stellen müssen:
Werde in dem Sinne auch mal überlegen ob ich auf das Wort und den Hashtag "KlimaKatastrophe" in Zukunft nicht verzichten und lieber was anderes verwenden will.
#nonaturaldisasters #keinenaturkatastrophen
"Can Nature Take the Naturalness Out of 'Natural Disasters'?"
All videos from the Global Animal Disaster Management Conference (GADMC) 2023 with thanks to to Steve Glassey and his team plus @fourpawsint
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #vulnerability #resilience #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #AnimalDisaster #DisasterAnimal.
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #vulnerability #resilience #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #animaldisaster #disasteranimal
Did you know that there is no such thing as a 'natural disaster'? @UNDRR explains. 👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
UNDRR: Disasters don't have to happen. They are not a 'natural' part of life. Natural hazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis may be impossible to stop, but the loss of life and economic damage they inflict is not inevitable. #NoNaturalDisasters ❌
"Coffee & #Geography" S03E23 The Reteach Project. #podcast
#historyteacher #geographyteacher #teamgeography #teamgeog #geogchat
#DRR including #CCA
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters)
#geography #podcast #historyteacher #geographyteacher #teamgeography #teamgeog #geogchat #DRR #cca #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters
"Disasters Are Us. And Predictable Like Us."
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #vulnerability #resilience #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disaster #disasters
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #vulnerability #resilience #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disaster #disasters
"Reteach #Geography" #Podcast on #disasters and
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DisasterRiskReduction #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
#geography #podcast #disasters #DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DisasterRiskReduction #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
The Global Animal Disaster Management Conference will be held online from 28-31 July 2023 and is now open for registration
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
#DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
RT @IlanKelman
"#EnvironmentalHazards: Assessing #Risk & Reducing #Disaster (7th ed.)"
Keith Smith, @CarinaFearnley, @monstrousgeog, @DeanneKBird, & me
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (not #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRRTwitter #EMGTwitter
#environmentalhazards #risk #disaster #drr #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters #drrtwitter #emgtwitter
Coming soon:
"Environmental Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster" (7th edition).
By Keith Smith, Carina Fearnley, Deborah Dixon, Deanne Bird, and Ilan Kelman.
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #vulnerability #resilience #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disaster #disasters #NaturalHazard #NaturalHazards #EnvironmentalHazard #EnvironmentalHazards #hazard #hazards #risk #risks
#DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #vulnerability #resilience #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disaster #disasters #naturalhazard #NaturalHazards #environmentalhazard #environmentalhazards #hazard #hazards #risk #risks
#NoNaturalDisasters but a disaster for nature, people, and local communities.
Berry farming harms Iberian Peninsula’s protected areas write @martaevidal and @_kirawalker 🍓🍓🍓
Excessive groundwater extraction is a challenge in Europe too 👇
The term 'catastrophe' is in the title but - within the context of a popular science book - I try to unpack it. I highlight that there are #nonaturaldisasters; I also highlight how history, society and the natural environment interact, from the Stone Age to the Plastic Age
RT @IlanKelman
"Avoiding #disasters in #Greece"
#Greek #DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #vulnerability #resilience #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #EMGTwitter #DRRTwitter #DisasterTwitter
#disasters #greece #greek #drr #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters #vulnerability #resilience #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #emgtwitter #drrtwitter #DisasterTwitter
"Avoiding disasters in Greece"
#Greece #Greek #DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #vulnerability #resilience #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #DRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disaster #disasters
#greece #greek #DRR #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #vulnerability #resilience #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disaster #disasters
And as a quick reminder, let's not forget that we have #NaturalHazards and #vulnerability, but #NoNaturalDisasters
RT @NoNatDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
There are #NoNaturalDisasters
#NaturalHazards #vulnerability #nonaturaldisasters
Good morning everyone! This is @Fara_Katiuscia and I am thrilled to be this week host on @DisastersRadix - I will be sharing all things #DRR and focus a bit more on #NoNaturalDisasters, #Vulnerability and #RiskCommunication
#drr #nonaturaldisasters #vulnerability #riskcommunication
Was struck and impressed by @NTSB chair @JenniferHomendy's firm statement of a key reality in calamities like the #OhioTrainDisaster: "There are no accidents." Same when natural hazards spark UNnatural disasters. There are #nonaturaldisasters.
RT @revkin
@markrauscher @jdsutter @NoNatDisasters @ilankelman @SamLMontano @USofDisaster @columbia_ncdp #NoNaturalDisasters applies to earthquakes. In almost all temblors, it's buildings that kil…
#ohiotraindisaster #nonaturaldisasters
Und wieder gibt es ein Paradebeispiel dafür, dass Naturphänomene nicht automatisch zur absoluten Katastrophe werden müssen, wenn wir Menschen die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen:
Gleiche Geschichte wie mit dem Tsunami 2011 in Japan, als Fudai durch die Weitsicht eines früheren Bürgermeisters gerettet wurde:
Es gibt #KeineNaturkatastrophen . Nur Naturgefahren, Naturereignisse, Naturphänomene und menschengemachte Katastrophen.
#keinenaturkatastrophen #nonaturaldisasters
No problem. Happy for the discussion:
1. UK climate movement: Some do and some do not. Not all are like instead being willing to discuss and exchange. I learn plenty.
2. #DRR-informed social movement: One example among many
Your own thoughts, and more questions, are always welcome. #ClimateChange #climate #NoNaturalDisasters #DisastersAreNotNatural
#DRR #ClimateChange #climate #nonaturaldisasters #DisastersAreNotNatural
We are rapidly and substantively changing the #climate, yet we cannot blame everything on human-caused #ClimateChange:
1. Climate Everything
2. Don't Blame Climate Change
The #science:
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk
#climate #ClimateChange #science #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk
Disaster Discussions #Podcast:
"Are We Setting Ourselves Up for #Disaster?"
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk
#podcast #disaster #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk