Kit Muse · @KitMuse
285 followers · 525 posts · Server

Where Peace Is Lost
A universe rich in planets, cultures, and languages, the world created in Where Peace Is Lost, is a troubled one. With the Pale trying to take over the known worlds and people fighting back, news that an old Pale war machine has been reactivated and a motley, and unlikely do, land on a hidden planet where the flora and fauna have rights of their own, startle a young mech

#uncategorized #landsovreignty #nonbinarycharacter #sf

Last updated 1 year ago

Kaycee King · @Thebirderking
20 followers · 72 posts · Server

My book is officially out today! :D It is centered around Nathan while he realizes he's nonbinary and falling in love with one of his best friends. If you're interested in checking it out, here's a link!

Pictured below is the cover of my book with a pink floral crown resting on top of it. The cover features a mountain landscape with a pink sky.

#nonbinarycharacter #lgbtqromance #indieauthor #book #lgbtq #nonbinary #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

KJ · @KJ
223 followers · 45 posts · Server

The Goldie for Ignis arrived today. 🎉♥️ I *had* to stage it theatrically 😂 with the candle and the dark. If you’ve read the book, you’ll know.

Related; I’m so thrilled that my book received this award. Maybe I’m not awful at this writing thing. Must send the memo to my brain

#sapphicfiction #bookawards #selfesteem #SapphicMigration #wlwbook #nonbinarycharacter

Last updated 2 years ago