I give the trainer the sports team registration form for K1 I filled out.
Trainer: you wrote "parent" as your relation to K1
Me: yes
Trainer: why?
Me: because I'm their parent
Trainer: are you their mother or what?
Me: what does it matter? I'm their parent
Trainer: um. I've never seen that, but I suppose it's okay?
I sure hope it's okay to be a parent.
Weil ich vorhin drüber gestolpert bin: was könnte man denn neutrales statt "Mutterschutz" sagen?
Eigentlich ist es ja eine "Schutzfrist rund um die Geburt", aber das klingt halt sperrig.
Und ich meine spezifisch diese rechtlich besondere Zeit, danach gibt es ja die neutrale "Elternzeit".
#geschlechtsoffeneerziehung #nonbinaryparent
I don't know why I'm shocked when I see things like this, given she refuses to accept my children with their names and gender & ridicules their existence. My heart aches truly to know this is the kind of belief she has & what it has cost my children.
#TransLivesMatter #TransWomenAreWomen #TransMenAreMen #HeartAche #NonBinaryParent #LoveMyTransBabies #ProtectTransYouth #LGBTQFamily #StopTheHate #StopTheBigotry #WishTerfsWouldDisappear
#wishterfswoulddisappear #stopthebigotry #stopthehate #lgbtqfamily #protecttransyouth #lovemytransbabies #nonbinaryparent #heartache #transmenaremen #transwomenarewomen #translivesmatter
Last night after reading "It Feels Good to be Yourself" for the 1,000 time, I asked Quinn:
"Hey Quinny! Are you a boy?"
"No boy!"
"Ok. A girl then?"
"No girl!"
"Hmmm....non-binary like your jamjam?"
"No non-fsdfjlksjfsdklfj"
[Quinny can't say non-binary yet. lol.]
"Well...what are you then?"
"I'm super Quinn!"
There you go. <3
#genderidentity #parent #nonbinaryparent #nonbinary
Your child will not be harmed by you being nonbinary.
There is no universal childhood that you must create and your child will be whoever they are one way or another.
Do your best to give them a loving home. No one can ask for more than that.
#nonbinaryparent #nonbinary #lgbtq #nonbinarypositivity #children #queerfamily
#queerfamily #children #NonBinaryPositivity #lgbtq #NonBinary #nonbinaryparent